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Clean up and remove a Python3 homebrew install

Published Mar 19, 2019
Clean up and remove a Python3 homebrew install

tl;dr TIL pygame is broken using homebrew Python3, so I decided to wipe my shit and start from scratch. I figured I'd give you the quickness on what I did so next time this shit happens to someone, they have a handy reference.

TIL about pip freeze:

freeze	Output installed packages in requirements format.

Save the requirements to file if you want to quickly re-install everything you're about to remove.

pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
pip3 freeze | xargs pip3 uninstall -y

rm -rfv /usr/local/bin/python3*

Ok, time to install official Python3.

At this point you can do pip3 install -r requirements.txt to reinstall everything you uninstalled. I'm keeping my stuff cleaner for now ^_^!

To reiterate:

pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
pip3 freeze | xargs pip3 uninstall -y
rm -rfv /usr/local/bin/python3*
# Reinstall python3 here!
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
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