Marco Pereira

Marco Pereira

Rising Codementor
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Full Stack Developer
Full Stack Developer

Born in Portugal

Spanish, English
Lisbon (+00:00)
Joined September 2015
4 years experience
Most of my professional positions were focus has a Front-End Developer, so is crucial to dominate javascript and have a clear idea of the...
Most of my professional positions were focus has a Front-End Developer, so is crucial to dominate javascript and have a clear idea of the language.
10 years experience
Played since i heard about the web, since i learned i just got addicted.
Played since i heard about the web, since i learned i just got addicted.
10 years experience
When i had the opportunity to work has a Back-end Developer php was the one i used in my project, worked a lot in most of my projects.
When i had the opportunity to work has a Back-end Developer php was the one i used in my project, worked a lot in most of my projects.
4 years experience
Used in basically all my projects, is a must always that im not working with any JS framework (angularjs).
Used in basically all my projects, is a must always that im not working with any JS framework (angularjs).
6 years experience
The first database i worked when i start learning php.
The first database i worked when i start learning php.
2 years experience
Love the framework, made my life easy has hell, love to work with it and my number one framework.
Love the framework, made my life easy has hell, love to work with it and my number one framework.
5 years experience
Develop themes from many clients (agencies, designers). Liked a lot the experience and cant wait for more.
Develop themes from many clients (agencies, designers). Liked a lot the experience and cant wait for more.


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