Marcos Santos

Marcos Santos

Rising Codementor
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Please Important! - > Non-U.S. Citizen - Only full remote & contract

This profile lists the activities carried out during the last 20 years as a systems developer and architect using software and hardware engineering procedures. Such activities had the necessary technical/theoretical foundation in the research and industrial areas, built over another 20 years of intense work in technical support and consultancy to several companies in several countries.

The data presented in this profile are supported and interrelated to a source code base of applications and engineering diagrams used as a demonstration of instruments and systems developed and in operation on laboratory benches today.

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Once reviewing the document, use the internal links in the skills panels to navigate to the activity (blue numbers), project (green numbers), or certifications (red Greek letters). There you will find information that supports the declared skill.

From there, you can use the external links to access the respective source code repositories and engineering diagrams, course completion certificates, and published peer-reviewed work that supports the activity. Links to results on self-training and assessment sites (such as HakerEarth's CodeMonk for code challenges and Aptitude for general and behavioral validations) will be provided if relevant to the activity.

As the task of balancing between precision and synthesis in describing 40 years of intense work in several technical areas is an enormous task, two documents are provided. Use the compact or detailed version as per your need and its links to switch between versions.

Portuguese, Spanish, English
Brasilia (-03:00)
Joined June 2021
6 years experience
10 years experience
10 years experience
10 years experience


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Sandbox to Iot / cloud tools
JavaFX - Stand Alone S.O. / Work Canvas / Window Manager & Analysis Instrument Platform (Github demo version)
System Architect - Developer
Opus Equipamentos Ltda.
Observing customer's requests in the past 20 years while developing systems for research and industry led to the following general initia...
Observing customer's requests in the past 20 years while developing systems for research and industry led to the following general initiatives/products being implemented (please use the link to go to the associated project and see better details): A custom, ruggedized, and clean Operational System based on Open Source Debian Linux to attend to the key concepts of freedom (no recurrent activation / no third parties), trust (all source code available / no eavesdropping), and simplicity (no useless gadgets or drivers loaded). See on projects ASVP and PP200. A clean and fast desktop window manager (JAVAFX & C++ to interface with XLIB) resembling the successful Android canvas and activities management. A distraction-free, well-known look and feel and dynamic error check environment proved to raise the analyst performance effectively - See PP200 project and code in here @  MiddleStripB . An independent heavy-lift analytical core (Python - Scikit-learn and Pandas) providing services to implement AI strategies by Statistical Inference, Data Cleaning, Estimation, and Machine-learning. Note that it is real-time on the edge data processing (no fancy Tableau dashboards). Project ASVP has halved the expected analysis time (more than one hour). See ASVP A browser-based Research Server (Jupyter Notebooks) and IPython script executor on the analytical core to enable researchers to implement their theories and procedures. So no need to call for software upgrades; implementation is immediate. This server can be hosted on any Kubernetes-managed clusters living on Google Cloud or IBM Watson environments, enabling genuine research cooperation or human resources administration. A robust hardware with very low MTBF was possible using a solid foundation in hardware development resources (quality IDEs and design tools), focus on well-known CPU cores (NXP ARM Cortex), stable toolchains (open source GNU GCC/Linker), use of... --> see more on pdf resume
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Machine learning
Embedded Systems
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Senior Developer
Antrax Tecnologia
Design (JAVA and C) of applications and libraries to work under real-time, critical mission, or MISRA standard constraints, like state ma...
Design (JAVA and C) of applications and libraries to work under real-time, critical mission, or MISRA standard constraints, like state machines, multi-threaded executors, dedicated database entity managers, and class loaders among others. Use of the Netbeans Platform API (version 8.0) as a development foundation for new applications. Many fully functional (including hardware interface) systems to analytical instruments are serving customers today - see some of them @ msantrax/Controle-F and https://github. com/msantrax/VehicleDynamics. Use of the Android API (until level 21 / Lollypop / Material) and Android Studio 3.0 as support (human interface) to analytical software (e.g.: UI /sensors I/O with NDK / native drivers on the underlying Linux / Device JTAG & Bootp procedures, etc). See project LGT8 Build and use several Unix kernels, systems, and custom device drivers since 1997. Gluelogic and SOCs using Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA (Xilinx ISE IDE + VHDL). See projects LGT8 and Iris During the years, the goal of being proficient in the following tools was achieved : Printed circuit board PCB design (Proteus 8) – See project LGT8, Vehicle Dynamics and others CAD & CAE : SolidWorks and his interface with Electrical. - see assy & parts modeling @  - Centauro Design of microwave cavities and waveguides and RF coupling with the HFSS / Maxwell. See project DGT 100 Optical systems design with the Zeemax. -- See project Iris Simulation and math modeling with MATLAB (INRIA SciLab) - See project LGT8
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Embedded Systems
Circuit Design
Electrical Engineering
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Filed Service Eng. - LATAM Operations Manager
Thermo Instruments Brasil
Hired by a group´s subsidiary (Gamma Metrics - San Diego USA) to perform technical operations (commissioning and maintenance support of g...
Hired by a group´s subsidiary (Gamma Metrics - San Diego USA) to perform technical operations (commissioning and maintenance support of gamma neutron spectrometers) in South America, Africa, and the Middle East, where the following main jobs were successfully completed on more than 15 customer sites: Tight coordination with big industrial facilities builders (FL-Schmidt, KHD Humboldt Wedag, Krupp) as well as team management / supervision during the construction process of new production plants. Training of laboratory and technical electronics personnel. Start-up and first training of self-learning expert systems used to support the control of automatic production lines (e.g., cement raw material blending). The service trips usually had 30 days span, visiting countries like Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Egypt, Equator, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, and South Africa. The technologies : Gamma-Neutron Spectroscopy (PGNAA - Prompt Gamma Neutron Atomic Activation) Sub-nanosecond pulse discrimination and Multi-Channel analyzers to LiF detectors. Design and stabilization software. Directions on high radioactive materials: theory, handling, and safety. Cf252 Neutron sources from Oak Ridge, Cs137. High-ton hoppers and material transport on cement plants. Industrial heavy structures build. Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometers ICP-OES from Thermo Jarrel Ash (Waltham – USA)
Industrial Automation
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Industrial Automation
Analytical Instrument Brokers
Customer relationship
Arrow diagramming method
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Development of a system to provide all needs to manage analytical instruments such as surface area by gas adsorption and particle size by...
Development of a system to provide all needs to manage analytical instruments such as surface area by gas adsorption and particle size by laser scanning. Composed by : Custom S.O. : Debian @ Arm hosted on Raspberry 4B or iMx/RT20 (or PC)  User Interface : All JavaFX. Including Window Manager, Android-like widgets/tools, Material-like LAF. - see simpler version @  - PP200 Calculation core/server : Repository of libraries and functions used to do the hard work on instruments math & statistical tasks. The base language is Python (obviously) with Pandas and Scipy. Interfaces with Java UI above via sockets. - see MongoDB interface + Entity Manager & Compiler to it @  PServer_d Calculation Interface/Research: Browser based hook used to help university research people create new functions. Currently uses Jupyter notebooks interfacing with calc. core above. Remote access to calculation core and instrument tools : uses a custom https server (Jetty) to host Angular 7 apps in the local version. It was tested as a portal hosted at Google Cloud. Both Computer engine (with custom image uploaded plus load balance to 4 lanes) and Firebase version passed proof of concept phase. URL is Sorptionlab server - see frontend @  Temps1 Hardware/Firmware and RTOS : uses NXP FRDM K64 Arm M4 core running custom return on completion state machines written in C/C++ (Arm GNU). - see examples @ and - Interfaces with the user SO via RS232 presently but drivers to talk ethernet/MQTT may be used from our past projects (Android app on tablets see @  Virna7 Ongoing research and not yet implemented are: A simple neural perceptron (Python) to help qualify adsorption isotherms prior analytic procedures and a real-time image pre-processing & feature-id on the edge to help dynamic particle size determination.
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Machine learning
Embedded Systems
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AutoDensityView Project
Objective: provide hardware, firmware, and analytical user interface to operate a pycnometer able to measure density on ores/cement by ga...
Objective: provide hardware, firmware, and analytical user interface to operate a pycnometer able to measure density on ores/cement by gas volumetry compliant to standard ASTM D-2856 and ASTM D-6683. Technologies are : Hardware: All electronics (digital and analog), PCB design, and mechanical drawing were developed in-house. -- Tools used : Proteus8, SolidWorks, and Texas Instruments. - sample drawings @  Picno2 Firmware: Used [Opus-Developed] Antares4 platform (over MBED drivers to ARM/M4) to the stand-alone version and [Opus-Devel] Antares5 platform (over NXP drivers to ARM/K64) to computer-assisted version. See MBED on GNU ARM-EABI C/C++ project codes @  Picno2 Computer Application: The user interface used first the already established [Opus-Devel] Analytical Platform (Java Swing on Netbeans 8.0) working on Windows or Linux. After a big client (CVRD/Brazil) requested to make a multi-instrument interface, it was rebuilt using the new [Opus-Devel] Analytical platform (JavaFX), becoming then project AD100/AD200 after the associated upgrade of hardware and firmware.
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Circuit Design
PCB Design
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