Since I was child I always enjoyed programming, it was because of my father, he introduced me to Visual Basic when I was 11. Later I started playing with Linux and I developed my first complete project (Mindrop, a social network like Reddit) at 15 years old in PHP and pure JS. Later I discovered more JS Frameworks and, at 19, I developed my second complete project (Redpill, an event managment platform) with an MVC architecture. After a difficult year, I decided to start travelling, I've worked as a volounter in a Ecovillage in Canada and visited all the west coast in America, travelling low cost. Once I came back, I began to work as a full stack developer in a company called Joint Tecnhologies, here I developed the plugin system of the core project: forma.lms.
Now in my free time, I'm studing decentralized technologies, such as IPFS and blockchain. I started working on my third complete project: Nile, a distribuited service managment system based on WebSockets (a ÐApp to create services like Uber or Deliveroo or sell your products)