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How To Deploy Docker Container with Ansible on Debian 8

Published Aug 11, 2018
How To Deploy Docker Container with Ansible on Debian 8


Docker is a highly optimized platform for building and running containers on servers. It manage containers in a highly efficient manner and works incredibly well with Ansible.

Ansible is an automation tool that aims to ease tasks like configuration management, application deployment and intra-service orchestration. It has a built-in Docker module that integrates with Docker for container management.

In this guide, you will build and deploy a docker container by using Ansible.


Before you begin this guide you'll need the following:

Make sure that your local machine can communicate with the server over SSH. Use SSH key instead of typed password for security reason.

Step 1 — Build a docker image with Dockerfile

There are some number of way to build a docker image but we recommend that you build image using a definition file called a Dockerfile.

First, create a directory on the workstation and a Dockerfile within the created directory.

mkdir docker
cd docker
touch Dockerfile

For our example, we are going to build a Docker image that contains a simple web server.

Edit Dockerfile with nano and add the following content:

# Version: 0.0.1
FROM debian:8.5
MAINTAINER maintainer_name "maintainer_email"
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
RUN echo 'Default page. Nginx is in your container. ' \

Now that we have a Dockerfile, Ansible can help us to ease the building and the deployment on the server.

Step 2 — Edit inventory file

Inventory file contains IP addresses or domain names where we want deploy container. Add this file in your project:

touch ../hosts

Edit the hosts file with nano and add the following content within this file.


Now, check if your local machine can communicate with the server via Ansible. Type the following command in terminal:

ansible webserver -m ping -i ../hosts

The output of this command should be:

your_server_ip | success >> {
    "changed": false, 
    "ping": "pong"

That means you can reach your server over SSH and you can use Ansible to configure it.

Step 3 — Edit Ansible playbook

First, change the working directory to the project root directory and create a new Ansible playbook. The directory layout should look like:


Next, add a task to Ansible playbook to install docker-py on the Docker host. Ansible’s Docker integration requires you to install this python library. We use pip to install the required python library. So we add also a task that install pip before docker-py.

Package installation and Docker require a sudo privilege on the server. You can handle this privilege in Ansible by specifying the sudo user name via remote_user and adding become: yes and become_method: sudo directives.

Edit the playbook main.yml with nano and add the following:

- hosts: webserver
  remote_user: remote_username
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
    - name: Install pip
      apt: name=python-pip state=present
    - name: install docker-py package
      pip: name=docker-py

The playbook uses the docker module to build an image. We provide a name for the image, the path to the Dockerfile (in our case, inside the docker directory), and tell Ansible via the state parameter whether the image should be present ,absent , or build.

So, let's add the following content to main.yml playbook:

    - name: Build Docker image from Dockerfile
        name: web
        path: docker
        state: build

With this playbook, you only built the new web image but this image never run. You need to add another task to the playbook for running it. Provide the image name, the path to the Dockerfile and use state paramater to tell Ansible the image should be running(via running). Use the latest image by tagging its name with :latest. The playbook should look like this:

- hosts: webserver
  remote_user: remote_username
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
    - name: Install pip
      apt: name=python-pip state=present
    - name: install docker-py
      pip: name=docker-py
    - name: Build Docker image from Dockerfile
        name: web
        path: docker
        state: build
    - name: Running the container
        image: web:latest
        path: docker
        state: running

Now add a task to check if the new container works fine on the server. This task runs docker ps on the server.

Finally, your playbook become:

    - hosts: webserver
      remote_user: linx
      become: yes
      become_method: sudo
        - name: Install pip
          apt: name=python-pip state=present
        - name: install docker-py
          pip: name=docker-py
        - name: Build Docker image from Dockerfile
            name: web
            path: docker
            state: build
        - name: Running the container
            image: web:latest
            path: docker
            state: running
        - name: Check if container is running
          shell: docker ps

Our Ansible playbook is now ready for use.

Step 3 — Running the playbook

Run the playbook by using the following command on your workstation:

ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml --ask-become-pass

You are now prompted to type the remote sudo user password.

To check if our web server container works fine, type:

curl your_server_ip:your_docker_port

This should return the Nginx default page created by the Dockerfile.

Default page. Nginx is in your container. 


In this article you built and deployed container by using Docker with Ansible. Now you can automate container deployment with Ansible.
You can use the Ansible playbook in this guide to deploy any kind of Docker container on your server. You need only to provide your own Dockerfile.

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post comments6Replies
Naveen Kumar
6 years ago

Thanks a lot and it’s very useful for me

Ola Sumbo
6 years ago

Set remote_username to root. But remove become_method.

zemmouri samy
6 years ago

i got this error :
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Requested build path docker could not be found or you do not have access.”}

my remote_username is root!

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