I started as a kid playing with web technologies while I was still learning C++ as part of my High School diploma (2007-2010) and instantly fell in love with the possibilities they offered!
I could see how powerful the web was becoming and it was clear to me, against my what my professors said at the time, that JS would have become big and used at scale.
So I invested heavily on it and built my career around it.
I also know PHP and a bit of C#/C++, but I'd rather code a web app, even complex one, than a mobile or desktop one!
I believe in unlocking people's skills, as nobody is really born to do 1 only thing, so you're basically just 1 effort away from becoming a developer, an artist, a cook, whatever you want to be! You just need help and dedication!
In my spare time, I play the piano, or try to!