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Editing Template(s) of Yith PDF Invoice (WooCommerce Extension)

Published Apr 28, 2017Last updated Aug 08, 2017
Editing Template(s) of Yith PDF Invoice (WooCommerce Extension)

I haven't posted before, but the Write Post button always comes up after a session and this time I thought, why not post the details of what I worked on. Today I was modifying a Yith Pdf Invoice template to add shipping details and the order note entered on the checkout page to the template. Here is the code I ended with - which is in a child theme template override:


if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} // Exit if accessed directly
<div class="ywpi-customer-details">

<div class="ywpi-customer-content">
<em>Invoice to:</em><br/>
<?php echo $content; ?>

$shipping_address = wp_kses( YITH_PDF_Invoice()->get_customer_shipping_details( $document->order->id ), array( "br" => array() ) );
if (!empty($shipping_address) && $shipping_address != $content) { ?>
<div class="ywpi-customer-content">
<br/><em>Shipping to:</em><br/>
<?php echo $shipping_address; ?>
</div><?php } ?>

<div class="delivery-instructions">
<em>Special instruction for this delivery:</em><br/>
$note = $document->order->post->post_excerpt;
if (!empty($note)) {
?><?php echo $note; ?><?php
} ?>

The template overrided the yith-woocommerce-pdf-invoice-premium/teplates/yith-pdf-invoice/customer-details.php template which starts out with:

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} // Exit if accessed directly
<div class="ywpi-customer-details">

    <div class="ywpi-customer-content">
      <?php echo $content; ?>

So you can see where I have added the section to add shipping address if different from billing address in an additional ywpi-customer-content block:

$shipping_address = wp_kses( YITH_PDF_Invoice()->get_customer_shipping_details( $document->order->id ), array( "br" => array() ) );
if (!empty($shipping_address) && $shipping_address != $content) { ?>
<div class="ywpi-customer-content">
<br/><em>Shipping to:</em><br/>
<?php echo $shipping_address; ?>
</div><?php } ?>

And the customer note (stored as post_excerpt) to a new html block below:

<div class="delivery-instructions">
<em>Special instruction for this delivery:</em><br/>
$note = $document->order->post->post_excerpt;
if (!empty($note)) {
?><?php echo $note; ?><?php
} ?>

And that had the desired effect. The most important thing is to know that the $document variable accessible from the templates will be the main Yith class for the type of document (YITH_Document or a child class) in most of these if not all the WC_Order is stored as a property ->order, which gives access to any data you may need. It is possible a filter or action hook could be found to more easily add the custom data, but as the project was already overriding templates this was the best approach.

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4 years ago

Dear Liam,

I have installed the Local delivery driver plugin, which i can assign the order to driver_ how i can add the driver name in YITH PDF invoice

The below PHP code i think will help you related to Driver plugin _



  • Fired during plugin activation.

  • This class defines all code necessary to run during the plugin’s activation.

  • @since 1.0.0

  • @package LDDFW

  • @subpackage LDDFW/includes

  • @author powerfulwp
    class LDDFW_Driver {

    • Drivers query
    • @since 1.0.0
    • @return array
      public static function lddfw_get_drivers() {
      $args = array(
      ‘role’ => ‘driver’,
      ‘meta_query’ => array(
      ‘relation’ => ‘OR’,
      ‘key’ => ‘lddfw_driver_availability’,
      ‘compare’ => ‘NOT EXISTS’,
      ‘value’ => ‘’,
      ‘key’ => ‘lddfw_driver_availability’,
      ‘compare’ => ‘EXISTS’,
      ‘orderby’ => ‘meta_value ASC,display_name ASC’,
      ‘posts_per_page’ => -1,
      return get_users( $args );


    • Assign delivery order

    • @param int $order_id The order ID.

    • @param int $driver_id The driver ID.

    • @param string $operator The type.

    • @return void
      public static function assign_delivery_driver( $order_id, $driver_id, $operator ) {

      $order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
      $order_driverid = get_post_meta( $order_id, ‘lddfw_driverid’, true );

      if ( $driver_id !== $order_driverid && ‘-1’ !== $driver_id && ‘’ !== $driver_id ) {

       $driver      = get_userdata( $driver_id );
       $driver_name = $driver->display_name;
       $note = __( 'Delivery driver has been assigned to order', 'lddfw' );
       $user_note = '';
       if ( lddfw_fs()->is__premium_only() ) {
       	if ( lddfw_fs()->is_plan( 'premium', true ) ) {
       		$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
       		if ( $current_user->exists() ) {
       			/* translators: %s: driver name */
       			$user_note = sprintf( ' ' . __( 'by %s', 'lddfw' ), $current_user->display_name );
       		/* translators: %s: driver name */
       		$note = sprintf( __( 'Delivery driver %s has been assigned to order%s', 'lddfw' ), $driver_name, $user_note );
       update_post_meta( $order_id, 'lddfw_driverid', $driver_id );