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My list of GitHub tips and third-party apps

Published Sep 04, 2019Last updated Mar 01, 2020

Also published in my blog

I work at Thinkific with 20+ other developers (we are hiring for multiple positions) in different codebases. GitHub is part of our toolkit, and I decided to write a post sharing a few Chrome extensions, integrations and third-party apps that help me be productive as an individual contributor and organized as code reviewer and team lead.

Chrome extensions

Refined GitHub

Sindre Sorhus extension brings a massive list of improvements to GitHub UI and many of them have become part of the product after a bit.

Better Pull Request for GitHub

This extension list project files in a tree. This is quite useful when you have a big pull request and you need to go back and forth to understand better what is going on.

GitHub Hovercard

This extension shows info about a user, project, issue or commit. It is a cool UI trick like Facebook does. This extension even works for private repositories, as long as you have a valid token to grab the information of the service.

GitHub Repository Size

This extension automatically adds the repository size and individual files size

File Icon for GitHub and GitLab

Not a lot to say here 😃


Pull Panda

Pull Panda is an integration GitHub acquired a few months ago and they have added for free in the product. It is very handy because you can map GitHub users to Slack users and then they will get inside Slack all the information about the work they are following in Slack. Pull Panda delivers comments in PRS and even tell you about git conflicts (I love and hate this one).

Pull Panda can also spot bottlenecks, show who are the ones most pushing/reviewing code and even assign automatically people to Pull Requests.

macOS apps


Gitify lives in your Mac menu bar and it is quite simple to understand. If the icon is green, you have a notification! It is also cool to mention the app is open-source (Electron-based, if you are curious).


Quests is similar to Gitify but one important difference here is Quest also supports GitLab.

iOS apps


Gitwalk is my favourite iOS app for GitHub. It lists pull requests in a friendly way and I like how you can see the files affected in the PR and all conversation in place. If you need to take a lot at a pull request when you are not in front of the computer, this app is for you!

What are your GitHub tricks? Let me know in the comments 😃

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