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Swift Tutorial: How to perform action when user click on particular text of UILabel

Published Aug 20, 2019
Swift Tutorial: How to perform action when user click on particular text of UILabel

While creating sign up page for our app, we mostly add a text beneath sign up button telling user that By signing up, you are accepting our privacy policy and terms and condition. So when user tap on highlighted area, in our case privacy policy, terms and condition, we will take user to web pages that showcased privacy policy info and similarly terms and condition for the app. In this tutotial, we will learn how to achieve a particular action when user tap on certain part of UILabel's text.

Creating UITapGesture extension, that contains a function to detect wether user tap on desired text or not

Download UITapGetsure extension file from here
UITapGesture Extension

How to use UITapgesture extension

let us say, lblTermsAndConditions is your UILabel where you displayed text By signing up, you are accepting our privacy policy and terms and condition

Adding UITapGestureRecognizer to UILabel

self.lblTermsAndConditions.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
let tapgesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(tappedOnLabel(_ :)))
tapgesture.numberOfTapsRequired = 1

Download adding UITapGesture to UILabel file from here
UITapGesture added to UILabel

    //MARK:- tappedOnLabel
    @objc func tappedOnLabel(_ gesture: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
        guard let text = self.lblTermsAndConditions.text else { return }
        let privacyPolicyRange = (text as NSString).range(of: "privacy policy")
        let termsAndConditionRange = (text as NSString).range(of: "terms and condition")
        if gesture.didTapAttributedTextInLabel(label: self.lblTermsAndConditions, inRange: privacyPolicyRange) {
            print("user tapped on privacy policy text")
        } else if gesture.didTapAttributedTextInLabel(label: self.lblTermsAndConditions, inRange: termsAndConditionRange){
            print("user tapped on terms and conditions text")

Download adding selector for tapgesture added to UILabel file from here
adding selector for tapgesture added to UILabel

In above code you can replace or create new range for the text you want to detect. Now when you run your code and tap on UILabel you will see the console will print the statements if user tapped on desired text range.

NOTE:- Post originally taken from my original blog post at Swift Tutorial: How to perform action when user click on particular text of UILabel

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post comments6Replies
Katappagari RanjithKumar
4 years ago

Hii…can u give code for when we tap particular part of label it should take into next screen

Mohit Sharma
5 years ago

Will it work if content width is less than label size?

Aman Aggarwal
5 years ago

Yes it will as it checks the range of text.

ajay e
5 years ago

hi bro,

fo this article do we have objective c code please.i need objective c code for this many thanks

Aman Aggarwal
5 years ago

Sorry i don’t have objective c code

Mohit Sharma
5 years ago

Use swift extension in your objective project

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