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Configure your Elm app with ENV variables

Published Nov 23, 2017Last updated May 22, 2018
Configure your Elm app with ENV variables

Create Elm App]( makes it very easy to get started with Elm because it provides a zero configuration application that just works.

However sometimes it is very useful to have some kind of configuration in your app. The example that I recently ran into is making your backend api url configurable. Or do you really want to develop against your production API?

Lucky for you Create Elm App already comes with all necessary tools. It's kinda tricky to find and that's why I'm writing this post.

Let's go ahead and leverage environment variables for configuration.

First we need to decide which variables to use. All env variables starting with ELM_APP_ will be accessible within our index.js file. We can then pass this into our Elm app by

Main.embed(document.getElementById('root'), {
  url: process.env.ELM_APP_API_URL,

Additionally we need to expose these parameters within the Elm app. Let's just add a simple model called Config:

type alias Config =
    { api_url : String

To actually pass the parameters into this model we need to flags of the Elm JavaScript Interop feature.

Therefore we need to use Html.programWithFlags. The config will then be an argument of the init function:

main : Program Config Model Msg
main =
        { view = view
        , init = init
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = always Sub.none

init : Config -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init config =
    ( initialModel config, Cmd.none)

Inside your initialModel function you'll now have access to the config model:

initialModel : Config -> Model
initialModel config =
    { otherFields = []
    , config = config

Now all you have to do is make sure the environment variable ELM_APP_API_URL is set before starting the server or building the app.

For your local development you can just create a .env file in your project


For production use make sure this variable is set before running the build command:

ELM_APP_API_URL= elm-app build

Thanks to bekapod for pointing out this neat trick in a related Github issue

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