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R project needs solving...

Published Dec 20, 2018

The research question is, how can the image of the EU be explained? the answer must be provided using R fro mthe data provided.
Obligatory: crosstab, t-test, correlation, and data modification commands (recode, index-building-commands)
Advanced methods are required.
Front page with all relevant information

Table of contents

  1. Theoretical background (1 page)
    Relevance of the research question
    Stating hypotheses and explaining why they are meaningful
  2. Operationalization (1 page)
    Which survey questions are used to operationalize the concepts?
    How are the variables modified? (recoding, index construction)
  3. Findings (2-3 pages)
    Descriptive results and analytic results.
    Tables and/or charts and verbal descriptions of the main findings.
  4. Interpretation (1 page)
    Are the hypotheses falsified? (Why?)
    What could have been done better?
    What should be the next steps in these research field?
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