Active, and self-taught professional web developer with 20 years of experience, with proven abilities to adapt to a variety of business requirements, through multiple contracted positions in both the UK and internationally.
Proven experience leading small and large-scale project environments, within virtual teams and through remote working, balancing multiple time-zones and team skill sets, leading the organisation and deployment of contractual deliverables in a timely, professional manner.
Championing frontend practices where applicable, I am proactive in supporting my team through various issues which may arise, where I have often delved into back-end code to ensure full feature delivery.
I bring a unique energy to the teams I have worked with and can quickly adapt to the needs of those around me. As a keen learner in self-development, I have given several talks about Event Sourced data in Baltimore USA and Manchester UK, Password-less authentication and Hugo Static Site Generation at UK and International meet-up groups.