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Nested comment database model

Published Aug 23, 2018

Hello, I want to build a comment system for my posts. For now it will be one level deep only, means comment and its reply. After reading various article on web, there is 2 suggested way to make your table structure.

1. Using two tables

-deleted_at -id

and then “one to many relationship” between these 2 tables. Now the second approach

2. Using one table

-parent_id -created_at

In this second approach, for top-level comment, parent_id can be set NULL .

What is your suggested way to do this?

I think the first one is more normalized version while the second one gives me the flexibility of increasing the replies nested level in future, So for any reason if I plan to increase the level of nesting for comment system I do not have to change database structure anymore.

Table Structure for Nested Comments

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