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Empowering Data Analytics Platforms with ETL Testing

Published Aug 09, 2024
Empowering Data Analytics Platforms with ETL Testing

As organizations increasingly rely on big data and data-driven decisions, establishing robust data infrastructures is critical. ETL testing plays a vital role in ensuring the accuracy and quality of data as it flows through various systems. By integrating ETL testing, organizations can enhance data integrity, reduce costs, and streamline their data management processes. This article explores the significance of ETL testing in data analytics platforms and provides best practices for its implementation.

Data Analytics Platform Architecture Overview

A data analytics platform encompasses a series of processes that ingest raw data as input and produce analyzed or processed data as output. A modern data analytics platform consists of the following main data pipeline steps:

  • Retrieving the raw data from various sources, including API logs, user activities, sensor data, and more.
  • Checking the quality and accuracy of the gathered data to ensure it meets the specified requirements.
  • Storing the raw data in either relational or non-relational databases depending on the project's purpose and scope.
  • Creating specialized datasets by processing this raw data using ETL scripts, employing both complex and simple logic to meet project requirements.
  • Serving aggregated datasets to be used for machine learning or reporting projects.
  • Automating all data pipeline steps to provide up-to-date data to clients according to the specified time interval.

data platform.png


Ensuring Reliable Data Through Automated Data Pipelines

The best practice for a data analytics platform is to automate every stage of the data flow according to a specific time interval. Additionally, there should be automated check pipelines to ensure the quality and accuracy of the ingested data. The primary goal of a data analytics platform is to provide stakeholders with up-to-date, high-quality, and reliable data that can be used for various purposes through automated data pipelines.

As mentioned earlier, achieving business goals in data analytics projects is impossible without a reliable data architecture. Ensuring the reliability of data architecture involves feeding it with high-quality data. Consequently, many technology companies today focus on developing data quality check solutions using different approaches.

Key Features of ETL

ETL is the core methodology in data analytics systems and comprises three main processes in data pipelines as follows:

Extract: Collecting raw data from various sources such as databases, data warehouses, website logs, or third-party APIs using methods like data streaming, database migration, or API integrations.
Transform: Processing raw data into the desired format according to business requirements. This step can include data cleaning, feature extraction, aggregation, or deriving new metrics to ensure the transformed data meets expectations.
Load: Writing transformed data again into target data storage like data lakes, databases, or other locations.

This method can be described as the heart of data architecture. ETL scripts can be developed using various technologies like Python, SQL, or Spark. Another key goal is to seamlessly orchestrate these ETL scripts to integrate automated data pipelines into data platforms.

Importance of ETL Testing

ETL testing is an end-to-end chain of processes that validates the data integration, data transformation, and data load layers. It can be defined as a replica of the production environment. It includes all ETL scripts and layer processes necessary to run the entire pipeline within the test environment.

It ensures that automated pipelines can smoothly ingest reliable, high-quality, and accurate data from various sources. Additionally, it guarantees that collected raw data can be transformed into the expected format without issues. Finally, it verifies that the task of loading processed data into the target storage is completed.

ETL Process.png

The Role of ETL Testing in Data Platform

There may be hundreds or even thousands of data pipelines built on top of data platforms for various reporting or machine-learning projects. In real-world scenarios, the data flowing into the infrastructure can be highly disorganized. Consequently, these data pipelines often include numerous complex ETL scripts. Integrating ETL testing into data platforms can help data teams prevent manual errors and manage the time-consuming complexity.

ETL testing allows data teams to ensure that developed ETL scripts run logically and as expected. Additionally, if any step in the testing layer fails, teams can take corrective action before the scripts reach the production environment. This proactive approach helps reduce risks, stress, and workload for the team. Ultimately, ETL scripts that pass all test cases can deliver reliable, high-quality, and accurate data to the data platform.

ETL Testing Best Practices

In real-life use cases, many factors can affect the quality of ETL processes. Therefore, the testing layer should be designed comprehensively both vertically and horizontally to maximize the efficiency of test results. Horizontally, examples of testing types include metadata testing, aggregation testing, and quality testing. Let’s look at each of these in detail below:

1. Metadata Testing

Most machine learning or analytics datasets are derived using ETL scripts that contain very complex logic to meet project requirements, so there is a high probability of producing a target dataset with an incorrect data schema. This situation can lead to numerous additional errors, as the target dataset may have many dependencies with other data pipelines. The following sample Python script can test the sameness of the table schema of source and target datasets:

import pandas as pd

def compare_schema(source_df: pd.DataFrame, target_df: pd.DataFrame):
   Compare the schema of two dataframes (source and target) to check if    they are identical.
source_df: The source dataframe
target_df: The target dataframe

True if schemas match, False otherwise.

   source_schema = source_df.dtypes
   target_schema = target_df.dtypes

   if source_schema.equals(target_schema):
       print(“Schemas matched.”)
       return True
       print(“Schemas do not matched!”)
       return False

Example usage

source_data = {‘column1’: [1,2,3], ‘column2’: [‘a’,’b’,’c’]}
target_data = {‘column1’: [4,5,6], ‘column2’: [‘d’,’e’,’f’]}

source_df = pd.DataFrame(source_data)
target_df = pd.DataFrame(target_data)

compare_schemas(source_df, target_df)

2. Aggregation Testing

Building machine learning or analytics datasets typically requires numerous aggregation operations on source datasets. Consequently, the ETL scripts for these aggregations can be complex, increasing the likelihood of deriving a target dataset with inaccurate data. This situation can lead to additional errors, as the target dataset may depend on other data pipelines. The following sample SQL scripts can test the aggregation results of the source and target datasets:

WITH source_agg AS (
       COUNT(*) AS total_count,
       SUM(amount) AS total_amount,
       AVG(amount) AS average_amount
   FROM source_table
target_agg AS (
       COUNT(*) AS total_count,
       SUM(amount) AS total_amount,
       AVG(amount) AS average_amount
   FROM target_table   
   s.total_count AS source_count,
   t.total_count AS target_count,
   s.total_amount AS source_amount,
   t.total_amount AS target_amount,
   s.average_amount AS source_avg_amount,
   t.average_amount AS target_avg_amount,
       WHEN s.total_count != t.total_count THEN 'Count Mismatch'
       WHEN s.total_amount != t.total_amount THEN 'Sum Mismatch'
       WHEN s.average_amount != t.average_amount THEN 'Average Mismatch'
       ELSE 'Match'
   END AS result
FROM source_agg s
LEFT JOIN target_agg t ON s.category = t.category;

3. Quality Testing

In the production environment, ETL scripts are often scheduled to run at specific intervals, such as once a day or once an hour. Since source datasets can change at any time in real-time data streaming platforms, there may be bugs in the data that flows into the data platforms. This can disrupt automated data pipelines and affect many dependent projects. The following sample SQL scripts can test the quality of the source and target datasets:

-- Checking for null values in critical columns of the source dataset
   COUNT(*) AS total_rows,
   SUM(CASE WHEN critical_column1 IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS null_critical_column1,
   SUM(CASE WHEN critical_column2 IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS null_critical_column2
FROM source_table;

-- Checking for duplicate entries in the source dataset
   COUNT(*) AS occurrence_count
FROM source_table

-- Checking for null values in critical columns of the target dataset
   COUNT(*) AS total_rows,
   SUM(CASE WHEN critical_column1 IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS null_critical_column1,
   SUM(CASE WHEN critical_column2 IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS null_critical_column2
FROM target_table;

-- Checking for duplicate entries in the target dataset
   COUNT(*) AS occurrence_count
FROM target_table

To develop sustainable data analytics projects, organizations must build robust, flexible data infrastructures with automated control mechanisms for data management, quality, and freshness. Integrating ETL testing into data platforms has become crucial for ensuring data reliability and accuracy. This practice helps prevent errors, reduces time and costs, and supports the smooth operation of data pipelines. By adopting ETL testing and following best practices, companies can effectively manage data complexities and deliver high-quality data for machine learning, reporting, and business intelligence projects.

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