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React Js Design Editor using Fabric Js

Published Jun 02, 2019Last updated Oct 16, 2023
React Js Design Editor using Fabric Js

Design Editor
Canva like design editor to design / customize the design templates and export the design in pdf / svg / image. React js + Fabric js ( html5 canvas library) is used to build the application.

PDF Whiteboard Editor -


Fabric JS ( - HTML5 Canvas Library
Install the fabric js libary in react js and initialize it.

npm install --save fabric
import { fabric } from 'fabric';
componentDidMount() {
    // Make a New Canvas
  this.canvas = new fabric.Canvas('main-canvas', {options});

Why React JS?
It creates reusable UI components, where those components can be used in other editor projects. The main purpose of React is to be fast, scalable, and simple.

Features of this design editor

  1. Editor has ability for creating multiple pages design.
  2. Output can be exported into pdf, jpeg, png, svg.
  3. Crop / Replace image functionality available.
  4. Import images from Social Media (FB, Instagram etc.).
  5. Pre-Populated templates can be created easily.
  6. Image / Text / shape / svg elements can be added / imported by the user to customize the design.
  7. Drag and Drop text/images/elements to the design.
  8. Admin can add different type of FONTS.

Advanced Usage PDF Generator
PDFs can be generated from the design editor,
Templates -> Customize -> Save -> Download as PDF.

Please find sample PDF outputs exported from the editor.

Where its used
Design Editor is used to create awesome real estate marketing postcards & social media posts / business cards / letterheads in

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post comments16Replies
Logan alva
a year ago

Hola Frederic, una consulta , que precio tiene el codigo?

2 years ago

Can I buy the entire saurce code? I sent an email to

3 years ago

Please i would like to purchase can you show the demo codes? or is it available in github

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