Codementor Events

Combine Multiple paths to Single path

Published Nov 28, 2020
Combine Multiple paths to Single path

Combine Multiple paths to single paths

Recently i was searching for a simple logic to combine multiple path data to single path, and i come up with the final solution to combine multiple paths as follows.

combinePaths(paths) {
    if (!paths.length) {
        return null;
    let singlePath = paths[0];
    for (let i = 1; i < paths.length; i++) {
        if(paths[i][0][0] === "M") {
          paths[i][0][0] = "Q";
          paths[i][0][3] = paths[i][0][1];
          paths[i][0][4] = paths[i][0][2];
        singlePath = [...singlePath, ...paths[i]];
    return singlePath;

In fabric js we can combine and pass multiple paths data to fabric.path class to generate single fabric js object as follows.

combinePaths(paths, strokeColor, strokeWidth) {
    if (!paths.length) {
        return null;
    let singlePath = paths[0];
    for (let i = 1; i < paths.length; i++) {
        if(paths[i][0][0] === "M") {
          paths[i][0][0] = "Q";
          paths[i][0][3] = paths[i][0][1];
          paths[i][0][4] = paths[i][0][2];
        //To combine the last path with first path
        // we can update the logic as below 
        if(i === paths.length-1) {
          var len = paths[i].length;  
          paths[i][len] = [];
        singlePath = [...singlePath, ...paths[i]];
    return new fabric.Path(singlePath, {
        fill: '',
        stroke: strokeColor,
        strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
        strokeLineCap: 'round',
        strokeDashOffset: 0,

Using above simple function we can combine multiple seperate paths into single path.

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