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Canvas JSON to SVG using Node

Published Oct 31, 2019
Canvas JSON to SVG using Node

Following is the steps / procedure to convert fabric json to SVG / PDF using NODE js script without using browser.

  1. Add the following node module packages in package.json
    npm install canvas@1.6.13, fabric@2.6, jsdom@9.12.0

  2. Load the node modules in js

var fs = require('fs'),
    fabric = require('fabric').fabric,
    out = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/output.png');
  1. Read fabric js canvas json from local directory
let jsonstr = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/8.json', 'utf-8');
let json = JSON.parse(jsonstr);
  1. Create static canvas
var canvas = new fabric.StaticCanvas(null, { width: wh.width, height: wh.height });
  1. Load the json in canvas and convert it as svg.
canvas.loadFromJSON(json, function() {

  //first render

  //save the canvas as SVG in server
  var svgoutput = canvas.toSVG();
  fs.writeFile("output.svg", svgoutput, function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;

Other features that can be added is SVG to PDF using svg-to-pdfkit module.
Links of json,
converted svg, png, pdf

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post comments2Replies
christy hernandez
9 months ago

This is a great explanation of how to convert Canvas JSON data to SVG using Node.js! Read the JSON data from a local file and parse it into a JavaScript object.
Instantiate a fabric.StaticCanvas object with desired width and height.

Frederic Anand
9 months ago

Thanks for the reply.