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Texture management in Kivy using atlas

Published Jun 02, 2017Last updated Jun 10, 2018
Texture management in Kivy using atlas

Kivy is an open source, cross-platform Python framework for the development of applications that makes use of innovative, multi-touch user interfaces.

What will you learn in this post?

We will look at how to use atlas files to manage textures in kivy and creating one of our own.

Some resources for you: Atlas: Kivy Documentation, Kivy wiki: Theming Kivy, Oreilly's theming in kivy

What is atlas file?

Atlas manages texture atlases: packing multiple textures into one. With it, you reduce the number of images loaded and speedup the application loading.

An Atlas is composed of 2 or more files:

  • a json file (.atlas) that contains the image file names and texture locations of the atlas.
  • one or multiple image files containing textures referenced by the .atlas file.


If you want a Material design feel for your application and need theming already taken care for you, then I suggest you to look at KivyMD.


  • Creating your own atlas file.
  • Let's dive into code.

What do we have? Download the code for this post from here.

Screen Shot 2017-06-02 at 7.27.31 AM.png

What we want.

enter image description here

Creating your own atlas file

Source for theme files: Themes

cd to the folder where you have all the images you want to create an atlas of then type the following command in the terminal.

python3 -m kivy.atlas myatlas 256x256 *.png

defaulttheme-0.png Red theme Original source

enter image description here


{"defaulttheme-0.png": {"progressbar_background": [391, 223, 24, 24], "tab_btn_disabled": [279, 127, 32, 32], "tab_btn_pressed": [381, 127, 32, 32], "image-missing": [249, 167, 48, 48], "splitter_h": [155, 113, 32, 7], "splitter_down": [501, 249, 7, 32], "splitter_disabled_down": [504, 127, 7, 32], "vkeyboard_key_down": [2, 34, 32, 32], "vkeyboard_disabled_key_down": [415, 127, 32, 32], "selector_right": [248, 219, 55, 62], "player-background": [2, 283, 103, 103], "selector_middle": [191, 219, 55, 62], "spinner": [235, 72, 29, 37], "tab_btn_disabled_pressed": [313, 127, 32, 32], "switch-button_disabled": [277, 287, 43, 32], "textinput_disabled_active": [372, 322, 64, 64], "splitter_grip": [499, 189, 12, 26], "vkeyboard_key_normal": [36, 34, 32, 32], "button_disabled": [80, 72, 29, 37], "media-playback-stop": [399, 167, 48, 48], "splitter": [501, 77, 7, 32], "splitter_down_h": [121, 113, 32, 7], "sliderh_background_disabled": [87, 122, 41, 37], "modalview-background": [2, 161, 45, 54], "button": [142, 72, 29, 37], "splitter_disabled": [503, 287, 7, 32], "checkbox_radio_disabled_on": [433, 77, 32, 32], "slider_cursor": [2, 111, 48, 48], "vkeyboard_disabled_background": [68, 217, 64, 64], "checkbox_disabled_on": [297, 77, 32, 32], "sliderv_background_disabled": [2, 68, 37, 41], "button_disabled_pressed": [111, 72, 29, 37], "audio-volume-muted": [199, 167, 48, 48], "close": [417, 227, 20, 20], "action_group_disabled": [468, 462, 33, 48], "vkeyboard_background": [2, 217, 64, 64], "checkbox_off": [331, 77, 32, 32], "tab_disabled": [305, 249, 96, 32], "sliderh_background": [130, 122, 41, 37], "switch-button": [322, 287, 43, 32], "tree_closed": [439, 227, 20, 20], "bubble_btn_pressed": [435, 287, 32, 32], "selector_left": [134, 219, 55, 62], "filechooser_file": [174, 322, 64, 64], "checkbox_radio_disabled_off": [399, 77, 32, 32], "checkbox_radio_on": [211, 127, 32, 32], "checkbox_on": [365, 77, 32, 32], "button_pressed": [173, 72, 29, 37], "audio-volume-high": [49, 167, 48, 48], "audio-volume-low": [99, 167, 48, 48], "progressbar": [305, 223, 32, 24], "previous_normal": [483, 127, 19, 32], "separator": [503, 462, 5, 48], "filechooser_folder": [240, 322, 64, 64], "checkbox_radio_off": [467, 77, 32, 32], "textinput_active": [306, 322, 64, 64], "textinput": [438, 322, 64, 64], "player-play-overlay": [126, 395, 117, 115], "media-playback-pause": [299, 167, 48, 48], "sliderv_background": [41, 68, 37, 41], "ring": [358, 402, 108, 108], "bubble_arrow": [70, 56, 16, 10], "slider_cursor_disabled": [449, 167, 48, 48], "checkbox_disabled_off": [469, 287, 32, 32], "action_group_down": [468, 412, 33, 48], "spinner_disabled": [204, 72, 29, 37], "splitter_disabled_h": [87, 113, 32, 7], "bubble": [107, 321, 65, 65], "media-playback-start": [349, 167, 48, 48], "vkeyboard_disabled_key_normal": [449, 127, 32, 32], "overflow": [245, 127, 32, 32], "tree_opened": [461, 227, 20, 20], "action_item": [339, 223, 24, 24], "bubble_btn": [401, 287, 32, 32], "audio-volume-medium": [149, 167, 48, 48], "action_group": [52, 111, 33, 48], "spinner_pressed": [266, 72, 29, 37], "filechooser_selected": [2, 388, 122, 122], "tab": [403, 249, 96, 32], "action_bar": [173, 123, 36, 36], "action_view": [365, 223, 24, 24], "tab_btn": [347, 127, 32, 32], "switch-background": [192, 287, 83, 32], "splitter_disabled_down_h": [468, 403, 32, 7], "action_item_down": [367, 287, 32, 32], "switch-background_disabled": [107, 287, 83, 32], "textinput_disabled": [245, 399, 111, 111], "splitter_grip_h": [483, 235, 26, 12]}}

Let's dive into the code

After you have run the above command you should have got atleast 2 files a .png and a .atlas.

In our example we have 5 files.


- main.kv
- src
  - components/
  - theme-blue/
        - myatlas-0.png
        - myatlas-1.png
        - myatlas-2.png
        - myatlas-3.png
        - myatlas.atlas
  - theme-orange/
        - myatlas-0.png
        - myatlas-1.png
        - myatlas-2.png
        - myatlas-3.png
        - myatlas.atlas
  - red-lightgrey/
        - myatlas-0.png
        - myatlas-1.png
        - myatlas-2.png
        - myatlas-3.png
        - myatlas.atlas

let's make some change in our code or you can download it from here.


from kivy.uix.button import Button

class CustomButton(Button):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # self.background_down = 'atlas://textures/red-lightgrey/myatlas/button_pressed'
        self.background_normal = 'atlas://textures/red-lightgrey/myatlas/button_pressed'


from kivy.uix.checkbox import CheckBox

class CustomCheckBox(CheckBox):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.background_down = 'atlas://textures/red-lightgrey/myatlas/button_pressed'
        self.background_checkbox_normal = 'atlas://textures/red-lightgrey/myatlas/checkbox_off'
        self.background_checkbox_down = 'atlas://textures/red-lightgrey/myatlas/checkbox_on'
        self.background_checkbox_disabled_normal = 'atlas://textures/red-lightgrey/myatlas/checkbox_disabled_off'
        self.background_checkbox_disabled_down = 'atlas://textures/red-lightgrey/myatlas/checkbox_disabled_on'

In main.kv file add the following code below <Theming>: class

            rgb: 1, 1, 1
            border: (12, 12, 12, 12)
            pos: self.x, self.center_y - 12
            size: self.width, 24
            source: 'atlas://textures/red-lightgrey/myatlas/progressbar_background'
            border: [int(min(self.width * (self.value / float(self.max)) if self.max else 0, 12))] * 4
            pos: self.x, self.center_y - 12
            size: self.width * (self.value / float(self.max)) if self.max else 0, 24
            source: 'atlas://textures/red-lightgrey/myatlas/progressbar'

and here we have.

enter image description here

Similarly, you can link different atlases to different widgets.

  • Button: Red
  • CheckBox :Orange
  • ProgressBar: Blue

enter image description here


Thank you for reading this post — I hope you found this helpful. You can find me on GitHub, LinkedIn and CodeMentor. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me!
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