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Learn Python Programming from Scratch

Published Jun 25, 2020Last updated Jul 10, 2020
Learn Python Programming from Scratch

Hey everyone,

I have seen a lot of people struggling to learn python, mostly because its their first language. So I am starting a python course where I will be teaching python from the very basics.

No prerequisites required for doing this course. Even if you have zero experience in programming you can do this course.

Course contents which I will be covering:

1. Introduction

  • What is python?
  • Writing your first code in python

2. Data Types and Variables

  • Data types and variables
  • Numbers
  • Booleans
  • Strings, String Slicing
  • Operators (Arithmetic operators, Comparison Operators)
  • Operators continued. (Assignment operators, Logical Operators)
  • String operations

3. Conditional Statements

  • Conditional Statements
  • The if statement
  • The if-else statement
  • The if-elif-else statement

4. Functions

  • What are functions?
  • Function Creation
  • Function scope
  • Built-in Functions
  • Lambdas
  • Functions as Arguments
  • Recursion

5. Loops

  • What are loops?
  • The for loop
  • Nested for loops
  • The while loop

6. Data Structures

  • What are Data Structures?
  • Lists
  • Common List Operations
  • List comprehension
  • Tuples
  • Dictionaries
  • Dictionary Operations
  • Sets

Along with all these topics I will be taking quizzes after each module completion so that you can measure your progress.

I will be covering all these topics in 3 sessions of approximately 1 hour each. First 5 students to approach me for these sessions will get a discount! You can message me on Codementor if you are interested.


The course is of $100

Benefits of doing this course

  1. Personalised 1:1 attention to each student.
  2. Get your doubts solved instantly.
  3. Only 3 hours of content and you will be fluently writing code in Python.

P.S. - I will soon be starting with advanced topics in python covering Object Oriented in python, decorators and many advanced functions.

Happy learning 🐍

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post comments2Replies
Hart Boma Fred
4 years ago


Karan Batra
4 years ago
