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How I learned React

Published Aug 07, 2024

About me

I've been doing senior level programming for 25+ years. I currently lead and mentor 2 teams of international programmers.

Why I wanted to learn React

I already know several other Web frameworks such as Angular and Vue. I wanted to compare all 3 frameworks.

How I approached learning React

I create a real world problem and create an application to solve it. My major interests are in business, maps and geography applications.

Challenges I faced

The concept of hooks and state management in React. It's very different from Vue.

Key takeaways

I think React and Vue are very close in their approach to building an web application. Angular is very different from the both of them, its a more complete and complicated framework.

Tips and advice

Out of the 3, my personal preference is React. I love JSX and the concept of blending html, java/type script and css into one coding space. Very cool!

Final thoughts and next steps

All 3 frameworks will produce an excellent web app with the right engineers creating it. Its about personal preferences, staffing, use of third party frameworks that will ultimately determine which direction to go.

Happy Coding!

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