I have 13+ years of experience with software development and is a seasoned technical architect who has wide experience working with various clients in industry like finance , public sector , federal , trasport domain etc in US and Europe region .
I have knowledge on e-commerce,Integration and Cloud. Expertised in leading the design, implementation and integration of software packages in MicroService Architecture using Spring Boot and AWS . Certified AWS Solutions Architect and in love with containerization using Docker and Kubernetes. I love to mentor my team and I'd like to expand this to CodeMentor. Let me know how i can help!
• Developed Proof of concept using Microservice architecture and design patterns like Saga, database per service , Circuit Breaker , S...
• Developed Proof of concept using Microservice architecture and design patterns like Saga, database per service , Circuit Breaker , Sidecar and distributed architecture .
• Application modernization using Spring boot microservices ,Java 11 and Angular v11,Docker , Kubernetes, Helm.
• Have built a notification microservice using Kotlin and Rabbit MQ.
• Have done application modernization using Serverless framework , NodeJS ,Lambda function , API gateway , S3, SNS ,SQS, DynamoDB, Cloudwatch, Event Bridge , Appconfig .
• Ensure software development practices in the team like Unit Tests , sonar setup , code reviews , Fortify Scan , integration tests, Penetration Test , Performance Test.
• Integrated the microservices with Okta for Authorization and Authentication , integrated the services with Eureka and Spring Vault for storing secrets.
• Have worked on writing components in Angular JS to consume the restful API .
• Monitoring using Splunk and Google stackdriver.
• Worked on creating the docker images , Helm templates and also managing terraform scripts for deployment of the application in Google Kubernetes Engine
• As a subject matter expert of the architecture , I guided a 5 member technical team , work on code reviews , analyze the design with Chief architects and stakeholders
• Migration Strategy to migrate around 50+ microservices from on prem to cloud
• Strategize CI CD pipeline with helm template, K...
• Migration Strategy to migrate around 50+ microservices from on prem to cloud
• Strategize CI CD pipeline with helm template, Kubernetes and terraform .
• Used GitOps with Kubernetes
• Strategize Monitoring using ELK and Splunk
• Have used CodeBuild , CodePipeline and cloudformation in AWS to automate the deployment.
Worked on software design , re-architecture and cloud enablement of a Commercial SAAS platform and virtual cards
• Design and B...
Worked on software design , re-architecture and cloud enablement of a Commercial SAAS platform and virtual cards
• Design and Built the Identity and Access management process for the microservices and integrated with Mastercard Gateway
• Set up the CI CD pipeline for the microservices in PCF using Blue green deployment model.
• Have worked on Flyway DB migration script in Oracle DB .
• Developed a Batch approval process using Java multi-threading and Spring Transactions with Oracle DB
• Participate in Agile Scrums, plan and estimate tasks in ALM SAAS Application ServiceNow, Jira ,Stash , Git, Workday, Confluence. Work Experience
• Mentoring and work with the team in implementing the technical solutions and help improving code quality and share knowledge with peers.
• Follow TDD in developing applications and help the team adhere to it.
• Responsible for the delivery of functional and non-functional requirements. • Managing the deployment lifecycle of the product.