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BMI calculation using #shellscripting by #jignanmer which user friendly...

Published Sep 30, 2024Last updated Oct 03, 2024
BMI calculation using #shellscripting by #jignanmer which user friendly...

bmi calculation using #shellscripting by #jignanmer which user can enter height in inch, cm, foot whichever you know and identify obesity level 1,2,3 and normal or over or under weight as well based on that you can reduce weight as per bmi value of yours


bmi calculation in detail way report using #Unix #shellscripting like #bash by #jignanmer which user friendly can enter height in inch, cm, foot whichever you know and identify obesity level 1,2,3 and normal or over or under weight as well based on that you can reduce weight as per bmi value of yours in details like in case obesity how much weight require to reduce if bother or in case not bother if over weight how much weight put on to reach obesity plus reduce weight require to have normal weight. Also handled under weight with how much require to become normal weight

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