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Bash script to automate video rendering

Published Apr 13, 2023
Bash script to automate video rendering
  • Write a bash script that will:
    • loop through the videos from video_texts.csv and for each row/video will:
    • update sections.json
      • display out/{video_name}.mp4

All headerX and contentX columns are needed to generate content for sections.json (see below details). video_name is to be used for the {video_name}

This file needs to be updated for each row of video_texts.csv and should have the following content:

"sections": [
"title": "header_1",
"contents": [
"content_1 - each sentence"
"title": "header_2",
"contents": [
"content_2 - each sentence "


  • you need to check if headerX is not blank and only if it is not blank add it to JSON

  • contentX needs to be split by sentence

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