Mr Griffith has developed many web, cloud and desktop applications using C/C++/C#, Java, Javascript, HTML. He is exploring Web3 applications on Hyperledger FIrefly and is familiar with Ethereum and Solidity.
Smart Communications (formerly Thunderhead) provides a SaaS platform for generating multi-channel customized communications. The Smart...
Smart Communications (formerly Thunderhead) provides a SaaS platform for generating multi-channel customized communications. The SmartCOMM Appliance is an extension of this platform that implements communication generation within the customer’s firewall to eliminate the requirement that the customer build and maintain a complete web application host and database server while meeting customer data security requirements. As a consultant within Smart Communications’ Professional Services group, I am responsible for designing and implementing full-stack solutions and leading the authoring effort. In addition to developing SmartCOMM resources. this can involve developing integration solutions using Java or C#/.NET to make Restful API calls. Most implementations use S3 Buckets with Lambdas for data and document transport and a few implementations use Azure Blobs with Functions for this purpose. I often work with the customer's web developers to embed SmartCOMM's Draft Editor and I occasionally implement responsive web pages using HTML/CSS for the customers.
Responsible for maintenance and new feature development for a web-based Loan Origination System. The original system was created using...
Responsible for maintenance and new feature development for a web-based Loan Origination System. The original system was created using Microsoft’s ASP-based technologies and is, over time, being rewritten using C# and ASP.NET.
Developed the Report Launcher product. The product extracts data from Advent’s Axys and Partner products and Schwab’s PortfolioCenter ...
Developed the Report Launcher product. The product extracts data from Advent’s Axys and Partner products and Schwab’s PortfolioCenter portfolio management system to produce customized report packages. Multiple reports provided by the portfolio management systems are converted to XML data islands which are transformed into PDF documents using XSL Formatting Objects. PDFTK is used to collate the reports into a single package.