Abel Joshua

Abel Joshua

Rising Codementor
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Software Engineer | Technical Lead
Software Engineer | Technical Lead

I am a passionate and results-driven software engineer with over 10 years of experience in the industry. As a seasoned professional, I have successfully taken on leadership roles, guiding and mentoring development teams to deliver exceptional results. My expertise as a code reviewer allows me to ensure the highest code quality, driving projects toward success.

My primary skills revolve around the cutting-edge technologies that power the modern web. I am well-versed in React, Node.js, PHP, and Python, enabling me to craft robust and scalable solutions tailored to meet diverse business needs.

Beyond coding, I have a keen eye for designing and building performant systems. I believe that efficient software not only delivers superior performance but also contributes to seamless user experiences. My passion for optimizing applications has led me to explore and implement innovative techniques, always striving to elevate the performance of every project I am involved in.

Throughout my career, I have been driven by a relentless curiosity, staying abreast of the latest industry trends and best practices. This commitment to continuous learning empowers me to tackle complex challenges with creativity and a solutions-oriented mindset.

London (+00:00)
Joined August 2020
6 years experience
7 years experience
8 years experience
10 years experience
10 years experience
5 years experience
7 years experience


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