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API Testing Tool Review: SoapUI vs Postman & Katalon Studio

Published Oct 19, 2018

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Postman emerged as a popular automation tool for API testing after having only been known as a browser extension for API validation. Postman can be installed as a browser extension or a desktop application on Mac, Linux, and Windows. It is used not only by automation testers for API tests but also by developers for developing and validating APIs. It has evolved, in fact, as an environment to develop and test APIs. Some notable features include:

  • A comprehensive feature set for designing, debugging, testing, documenting, and publishing APIs
  • Supports both automated and exploratory testing
  • A friendly and easy-to-use user interface
  • Accepts Swagger and RAML API formats
    Postman is affordable as the product is offered in three editions: Postman (free), Postman Pro ($8/month), and Postman Enterprise ($21/month).


SoapUI is widely cited as a top choice when it comes to API testing. It is a headless functional testing tool specifically designed for API testing. SoapUI supports both REST and SOAP services. API automation testers can either use open-source or pro versions. The pro edition has a user-friendly interface and several advanced features such as assertion wizard, form editor, and SQL query builder. SoapUI is a tool of ReadyAPI suite, offered by SmartBear.

The tool provides many advanced features for API testing, including

  • Generates tests easily using drag and drop, point-and-click
  • Powerful data-driven testing with data from files and databases
  • Scripts can be reused easily
  • Mocks services with RESTful mocking
  • Asynchronous testing

SoapUI is distributed as Open-source and Pro versions ($659/year for medium and large teams).

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is an integrated environment to generate and execute API, Web-based GUI, and mobile apps automation tests. It has a rich feature set for these types of testing and supports multiple platforms including Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. By integrating Selenium and Appium engines with all needed components, built-in keywords, and templates, Katalon Studio provides a unique environment for both testers and developers to perform API and Web automation tests. Some notable highlights of the tool:

  • Handles API, Web, and mobile tests across platforms
  • Allows testers and developers to collaborate and share test cases easily
  • Hundreds of built-in keywords for creating test cases
  • Supports AssertJ to create fluent assertions using the BDD style
  • Seamless integration with other ALM tools for CI/DevOps practices
    Katalon Studio is free of charge although it is not open-source.

Read the full article: SoapUI vs Postman & Katalon Studio

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