5 years experience
Google has announced Jetpack at I/O 2018 which contains lot of components offered by Google under Jetpack's umbrella. However, before Jet...
Google has announced Jetpack at I/O 2018 which contains lot of components offered by Google under Jetpack's umbrella. However, before Jetpack lot of this libraries existed before and I have been using some of the Jetpack library in day to day application development.
Some of the commonly used Jetpack libraries are:
* Foundation: Android KTX, AppCompat, Auto, Benchmark, Multidex, Security, Unit Test, TV
* Architecture: Data Binding, Lifecycles, LiveData, Paging, Room (SQLite database), ViewModel, WorkManager
* Behavior: Media & playback, Notifications, Permissions, Preferences, Sharing, Slices
* UI: Animation & transitions, Fragment, Layout (Constraint, Coordinator, Card, FlexBox etc.), Palette