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What is a Portfolio? For what purpose?

Published Nov 14, 2018Last updated Nov 19, 2018
What is a Portfolio? For what purpose?

All the works of a person or institution. The dictionary corresponds to meanings such as Documentation, Briefcase, Document.

References can be interpreted as a file of works have done and experiences. The CV-like structure is actually a document that explains your work in a more comprehensive way, including a resume.

For example, it is considered a good portfolio work when a student who is studying interior architecture exhibits what he/she can do by putting together a comprehensive drawing, and projects he/she has done during his / her education.

A portfolio is a tool that makes it easier for people to evaluate the person and helps them make healthy opinions.

It can be used for job interviews, job applications or individual talent show. Even this is a nice plus.

It includes your own work that you can use as a reference in your own business, as it promotes better recognition and evaluation of the companies.

For example, if you have a birth cameraman search, you will be wondering about the previous works of the photographer. You need to see his early activities whether it is related to your job offer description or not.

How to Create a Portfolio
Printed books can be made in catalog form or in electronic form. Today, e-portfolio provides a more convenient platform for updating as well as presenting and archiving.

It is a typical portfolio practice to take the output of work done into a folder of transparent files.

Besides, preparing e-portfolio for pdf, word, powerpoint presentations in a digital environment is also an example.

Blogging, building a website and exhibiting work done in these circles is a portfolio study.

What To Look For When Preparing Your Portfolio?
A presentation should be easy.
The works have done should be in a structure that allows you to examine it in detail.
It will be healthier not to include every job but to include the jobs that you do best.
It must be able to follow your own development.
It must be constructive and easy to handle.
If your work has been used in other circles, it has been considered to be beyond the scope of the assignment or project; specify the areas of use.
How Does Project Showcase Help to Build a Portfolio?
It focuses on the person’s personality and the things he/she has done valuable in their professional lifetime. It creates a one-page portfolio website for personal use. There would be two parts on that website:

Personal Bio includes your picture, name, occupation, a brief summary of yourself, social media links and contact details
Portfolio: Projects that you have done so far. In you can add three projects in the free plan includes title, information, text editor, video, photos, website links, and tags. Even for separating projects you can edit the design and colors of each work area.

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