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Fix WordPress Plugin 500 Error(s) and save yourself a call.

Published Jun 20, 2018
Fix WordPress Plugin 500 Error(s) and save yourself a call.

Are you on WordPress?
Are you seeing a whitescreen?
Have you updated your plugins recently and now your site is broken?
Do you have an error saying “internal 500 error” ?
Have you tried backups and you are still getting an error?

If the answer to any (& preferably all) of these questions is “yes” you may be eligible for a wait time of 20–50 min when you needlessly call your hosting provider. OR you may be able to save yourself from the wait time, the hold music and the sales pitches.

First thing you need to do is get FTP/SSH access to your site, which you can google for yourself seeing as how I’m not omniscient and cannot possibly know your ip address, username and password for your hosting provider. I would however recommend to developers to use the following sublime text plugin(s) and

Those two sublime plugins will help keep you in your editor and allow you to keep coding rather then wasting away on the phone because you messed up your own site by depending 3rd party unmaintained code…

Second thing you can do is add the following scripts to your site:
Name this script WP_500.php and add it to your root folder. Likely called, public_html. Go to your website address: ${site}.com/WP_500.php.

Third Repeat the same for the following file but name it MWP_blacklist.php:

If your website is still down set the following variables to false in each file:
$WP_500 = false; and $WP_BL = false; . This will undo everything and self delete the test file(s).

If you’ve ran these scripts correctly and your site is still down you may need to try disabling them on through your database :

If you STILL HAVE ISSUES then you may want to watch this video as you call your hosting provider:

Please hold while we connect you to an available hosting agent.
(Hopefully you can enjoy the sense of humor in a moment of frustration).

For the daring you can also check out various other hosting related stuff here

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