I am a full stack software developer with 9 years of experience in diverse tech stack and projects and products of different scale within both fully remote and local roles. I have experience in microservices and cloud and tried to develop myself in different aspects of software engineering as well as project management to understand our clients well.
Hospitality Application to Manage Cafes and Restaurants with Stock, Payment and Accounting Management Project:
<...Hospitality Application to Manage Cafes and Restaurants with Stock, Payment and Accounting Management Project:
Development of microservices for the product that’s being used by hundreds of hospitality businesses daily: cafes, restaurants, etc. Migration of the monolithic application into microservices and deployment using automated CI&CD and tests.
The microservices run on Kubernetes on AWS (EKS) which is load balanced and secured; and is deployed via CircleCI automated workflows from Github repositories via terraform files. The Java services retrieve data from other external partners such as payment gateway providers and feed data into MySQL and Kafka. The frontend has two parts: Groovy Grails (monolith) and React (new product) which communicates with backend microservices via REST APIs secured by OpenID protocol using tokens and Spring Security.
Technologies: Java 8, 11, 15 (depending on the microservice), MySQL, Kafka, Elasticsearch, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, CircleCI, Groovy, ReactJS, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Cloud, API Gateway, Python, FastAPI, Uvicorn – async CGI
Intraday Positions Automation Project:
Development of application to manage daily file imports and funding ad...
Intraday Positions Automation Project:
Development of application to manage daily file imports and funding adjustment records using Spring Boot, Oracle and Java with a frontend portal to examine funding positions developed in Angular 11.
RDBMS and workflow design for the automated imports.
Migration of database change management into Liquibase and arrangement of CI&CD lifecycle and writing the automated deployment scripts.
Technologies: Java 11, Spring Boot, Junit, Mockito, Angular 11, Liquibase, Oracle, Teamcity, IBM Urban Code Deploy, Sonarqube, Bitbucket
Intraday Risk Analysis Project:
Maintaining and scaling up backend solutions using microservice architecture ...
Intraday Risk Analysis Project:
Maintaining and scaling up backend solutions using microservice architecture with Eureka service discovery for both Java and .Net micro services.
Oracle DB support and Autosys job maintenance to ensure data quality of the outputs of scheduled jobs that turn into reports for various resources in the company.
Database migration and change management done by Liquibase.
Bulk data processing jobs using Cron and Autosys job schedulars with their dependencies and workflow.
KDB as relational time series database.
Risk Core Data Project:
Configuration of the ETL Spring Batch jobs for account, position and security loading.
Parallel distribution of data and enrichment by Java microservices.
Deployment to the Cloud infrustructure
General Achievements and Tasks:
Applying Kanban with TDD.
Prototyping on the migration of the existing on-premises microservices to Azure and building their DevOps pipeline using Gitlabs; migration from Teamcity.
Writing integration tests and daily checks for the services being monitored.
Continous Integration with Teamcity and Continous Deployment with internal deployment tool which is configured by puppet scripts. I have configured Teamcity and puppet scripts for both Windows and Unix Servers (RedHat). Later, during the migration to GitLab, I have reconfigured the CI&CD runners to migrate existing pipelines.
Managing releases and high availability tests to ensure deliverability.
Using Azure web services for cloud deployment of the microservices.
Technologies: Java, Spring, Eureka, Microservices, .Net, C#, Junit, Mockito, Liquibase, Spring Cloud, Batch Processing, Oracle, KDB, Q Language, Q Studio, Teamcity, Github, Puppet, Azure Web Services, Autosys, Azure, Gitlab, Spring Batch