I am an expert in the craft of cross-platform web, desktop (macOS, Linux & Windows) and mobile (Android & iOS) apps.
Some of the stuff that I am experienced in:
Languages: JavaScript (ES6-7), Java (incl. reactive programming), Python, PHP & Ruby
Frameworks: Flask, NodeJS, ExpressJS, KoaJS, BackboneJs, AngularJS, ElectronJS, RxJava, Rails & React Native
Databases. MongoDB, LevelDB, Redis, PostgreSQL & MySQL
Frontend: PS, AI, Boostrap, Handlebars, jQuery, HTML5, PUG, CSS3, SASS & LESS
Cloud vendors: Google Cloud, Azure, AWS, Red Hat OpenShift, Digitalocean & Heroku
DevOps: Docker, Continious Integration (Travis & AppVeyor), Fastlane, Gulp, Webpack, Git & Shell scripting