6 years experience
For the last 3 years I have been using Scala in production after using it for a number of years in my own time, and I have built a number...
For the last 3 years I have been using Scala in production after using it for a number of years in my own time, and I have built a number of personal projects with it.
I have built and maintain a number of Play based applications. I've built a system with Akka. I use Scalaz sparingly. I've used Shapeless a little bit. Lots of (really, too much) experience with mixed Java/Scala projects.
At my company I have given presentations on Scala, and mentored members of the team without any prior Scala experience. I'm interested in the stronger FP concepts that Scala seems to have been borrowing from Haskell. But I am cautious when introducing new concepts to projects to only take on things that the rest of my team could get comfortable with.