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How do I deploy my Symfony API - Deploy

Published Oct 30, 2017Last updated Apr 27, 2018
How do I deploy my Symfony API - Deploy

This is the forth post from a series of posts that will describe the whole deploy process from development to production.
The first article is available here,
the second here and
the third here.

After covering the steps 1-3 and having prepared our infrastructure,
we can see how to deploy our application to production.
Almost the same approach can be used to deploy not only to production but also to test environments.


Different "git push" operation should trigger different actions.
Just as example a push to master should trigger a deploy to production, while other branches may trigger a deploy to
a test environment, or not trigger deploys at all.

I've used Circe CI Workflows to manage this set of decisions.

Workflows are just another section from the same .circleci/config.yml file and here they are:

  version: 2
      - build
      - deploy_to_live:
            - deploy_to_live_approval
                - master
      - deploy_to_live_approval:
          type: approval
            - build

In this workflow configuration we have 3 jobs.

  • build: is the main job; the one explained in the second article
    and responsible for pushing the images to the docker registry.
  • deploy_to_live: is the job for the deploy to live (will talk about it in a moment); this job will be executed
    only for the branch named master and
    before running requires a successful completion of a job called deploy_to_live_approval.
  • deploy_to_live_approval: is an "type = approval" job, and its completion is just a button on the Circle CI web interface;
    this allow us to effectively decide if deploying to live or not.

The node build_and_deploy-workflow is just a workflow "name",
CircleCi allows multiple workflows for the same project, but will not handle this topic now.

The circle CI approve button

The deploy job

As said, there is a job named deploy_to_live that is responsible for the live deploy.
The job is just another portion of the same .circleci/config.yml file we saw in this and previous articles.

version: 2
executorType: machine
  build: # this is the job that pushes the images to the registry 
    # ...

  deploy_to_live: # this is the job that effectively deploys to live 
    working_directory: ~/my_ap
      - DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://myapp-manager.yyy.local:2375"
      - *helpers_system_basic
      - *helpers_docker
      - run: sudo apt-get -qq -y install openvpn
      - checkout
      - add_ssh_keys:
            - "af:83:39:00:ad:af:83:39:00:ad:af:83:39:00:ad:99"  # import VPN private key
      - run:
          name: Connect to VPN
          command: |
            sudo openvpn --daemon --cd .circleci/vpn-live --config my-vpn-config.ovpn
            while ! (echo "$DOCKER_HOST" | sed 's/tcp:\/\///'|sed 's/:/ /' |xargs nc -w 2) ;  do sleep 1; done

      - deploy:
          name: Deploy
          command: |
            docker login -u $DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME -p $DOCKER_HUB_PASS
            docker stack deploy live --with-registry-auth

Step by step

Let's analyze step-by-step the build process by looking in detail at the .circleci/config.yml file.


       - DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://myapp-manager.yyy.local:2375"`
- *helpers_system_basic # use basic system configurations  helper
- *helpers_docker # use basic docker installation  helper
- run: sudo apt-get -qq -y install openvpn # install openvpn client
- checkout # checkout the source code

Again, as it was in the build, this part of the configuration file is just about setting up some basics for the
deploy environment. The only difference with the build job is the openvpn package installation because it will be
necessary to connect to the docker swarm manager that will run the deploy.

We also export an environment variable (DOCKER_HOST) for the docker daemon targeting our docker swarm cluster manager.


- add_ssh_keys:
    - "af:83:39:00:ad:af:83:39:00:ad:af:83:39:00:ad:99" 

This snipped is about importing the "af:83:39:00:ad:af:83:39:00:ad:af:83:39:00:ad:99" private key into the environment.

The key needs to be placed into the CircleCI web interface before. The key will be available at


- run:
  name: Connect to VPN
  command: |
    sudo openvpn --daemon --cd .circleci/vpn-live --config my-vpn-config.ovpn
    while ! (echo "$DOCKER_HOST" | sed 's/tcp:\/\///'|sed 's/:/ /' |xargs nc -w 2) ;  do sleep 1; done

This will connect to the VPN and will wait till the connection to
myapp-manager.yyy.local on the port 2377 does not become available.

The folder .circleci/vpn-live contains the OpenVPN configuration files necessary for the connection to the VPN.
I will not tackle this topic as it is a completely different subject.

The deploy

- deploy:
  name: Deploy
  command: |
    docker login -u $DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME -p $DOCKER_HUB_PASS
    docker stack deploy live --with-registry-auth

This is obviously the most important part, the deploy to the cluster.
We login to the docker registry and later running docker stack deploy effectively deploys the application.

The omitted part: most probably you application needs some credentials for the database connection,
api keys and many other configuration services.
A good way to handle credentials can be using done using the
docker secrets management, but in this application
I've used symfony environment variables
to configure the application, placed them in the CircleCI web interface, and exported them right before running
docker stack deploy.

export DB_PWD="$LIVE_DB_PWD"
docker stack deploy live --with-registry-auth

Alternatively is possible to place the exports in a dedicated file ( as example).

docker stack deploy live --with-registry-auth

You (reader) should have noticed that I've used a different docker-compose file, for
the deploy.


version: '3.3'
        image: goetas/api-php:master 
          replicas: 6
            parallelism: 2
            delay: 30s
            condition: on-failure                 
        image: goetas/api-nginx:master
          replicas: 6
            parallelism: 2
            delay: 30s
            condition: on-failure            
            - "80:80"

This is much simpler than the docker-compose.yml file used for development.

Whe www container binds the port 80 so the web server is exposed.
The rest of the file defines only the image names to download from the registry and the section deploy
used to configure the rolling updates policy
(this article gives a good overview
of what a rolling update is).

The policies defined by deploy are:

  • Deploy 4 containers for each service. Hopefully they will be uniformly distributed across the cluster,
    but this is not guaranteed. Docker offers a placement configuration option to instruct the scheduler
    on how to distribute containers across the cluster.
  • When updating the containers (as example a second deploy) update two containers and wait for 30 seconds before
    updating other two containers. <br>
    Updating the container here means: download latest image, stop and remove old container,
    create and start the container using the new image.
  • Restart the containers if they fail. In case of "weird" errors that should not happen anyway but they will.


This article combines the results achieved in the previous three articles and show how is possible to setup
a relatively sophisticated and expandable continuous delivery pipeline.

The application has been developed, (tested!), built, (re-tested!) and deployed.

Obviously there are as usual many topics that require attention and improvements, as:

  • How to run migrations for database schema changes?
  • How to maximize the server resource usage?
  • How to secure the deploy better than a VPN?
  • What about healthchecks?

In the next article will make a summary of this 4 blog posts and will try to answer to some of the open questions
by showing some of the improvements implemented in the project that were not easy to pace in the blog post stories.

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post comments1Reply
7 years ago

very informative post . useful !