Full Stack Developer (FE Heavy) at Rainfocus on behalf of LeivaTECH
Developing a HTML5/Javascript/CSS3 modules to internal/external customers. Support for mobile devices and desktop browsers including comp...
Developing a HTML5/Javascript/CSS3 modules to internal/external customers. Support for mobile devices and desktop browsers including completely responsive design using one codebase. My piece of it involves interactive HTML5/Javascript/CSS3 code using drag and drop.
Main Projects (Front-End) :
Workflow Builder: To develop a visual designer to create and manage workflow process. This tool is being implemented using SVG elements with the support of RaphaelJS library.
Dynamic Form Builder: To develop a custom form builder, the goal of this module was to create forms interfaces that will be used within all the main application. It supports InputText, TextBoxes, Paragraphs, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Select2 Components and CKEditor elements. Every form has its own JSON configuration and it interacts with a REST API associated with it.
Dynamic Table Report and Editing: To develop a dynamic report tool, the goal of this module was to create dynamic reports whit the ability of each row or cell to be edited inline or through a modal form. It also supports InputTexts, TextBoxes, Paragraphs, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, and Select2 Components. Every Table Report has its own JSON configuration and it interacts with a REST API associated with it. An additional feature of this tool is filtering and ordering of its elements.
Intellij IDEA, WebStorm, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Redux, React.js, node, less, lodash, promisejs, webpack, MySql, Mongo, JQuery, AWS, Raphael.js, Immutable.js, ES6, etc. See less
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React Native
Play Framework
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