◆ From 2005 to 2019, Lecturer at Universities of Padua and Verona (OOP, Java, Python, etc.)
◆ Since 2011, Founder / Full Stack Developer & Team Leader of Developiu’ (web app and sites)
◆ Focus on development, integration of complex software on proprietary/non-proprietary frameworks
◆ Currently collaborating with end customers such as Venice Airport, Comete Gioielli, Ares Line, etc.
◆ Key skills: OOP, PHP, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, MySQL, Bootstrap, Node, React, SASS
◆ Requirements analysis and feasibility study
◆ Design and verification of functional specifications
◆ Database design, back-end development, front-end development and testing
◆ Writing of technical documentation
◆ Experienced in writing code that lasts, successfully mixing perfectionism and pragmatism
◆ Linux and Open Source enthusiast (in 2002 founded the Vicenza GNU/Linux User Group)
◆ Strongly oriented in full stack web programming for data science and machine learning purposes