Fernando González Cortés

Fernando González Cortés

Rising Codementor
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I have seen things you would not believe. Ajax requests with hidden frames. I watched terabytes of images served from a external USB disk. A
I have seen things you would not believe. Ajax requests with hidden frames. I watched terabytes of images served from a external USB disk. All those moments will be lost in time (I hope).

I am a software engineer with 20 years of experience. I live in Valencia, Spain and I have worked mostly with Java, Golang, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, K8s, Microservices. Strong focus on testing and building stable software.

French, German, Spanish, English
Madrid (+01:00)
Joined October 2018
10 years experience
I have developed in Java for 15 years. Whenever I have been doing backend projects I have used Spring and so I have experience with data,...
I have developed in Java for 15 years. Whenever I have been doing backend projects I have used Spring and so I have experience with data, security, JWT authentication, etc. These projects include both monoliths and microservice architectures and I am enthusiastic about the resilience advantages and challenges of the later. As a developer I am used to TDD practices and I like to have in mind the ROI of testing, in order to produce the right amount of unit, functional, e2e, UI, etc. I have an extensive experience in testing and I know the risks it involves (maintenance costs, slow tests suites, etc.) and the benefits of continuous integration practices.
15 years experience
I have done Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for 15 years and I have used spatial databases, map servers and geospatial libraries. ...
I have done Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for 15 years and I have used spatial databases, map servers and geospatial libraries. I understand different geometric models (Simple Features Specification, OSM), raster formats, tile caching, vector tiling, etc. And I am used to the challenges that big two-dimensional (at least) geo-data introduces. I am proud of having contributed with bug fixes to GeoServer and GeoTools, two major projects in the FOSS GIS ecosystem: - https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOS-7243 - https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOT-3759
4 years experience
I like to know exactly what is going on in production. I love dashboards showing response time, cpu and memory usage, etc. And alerting m...
I like to know exactly what is going on in production. I love dashboards showing response time, cpu and memory usage, etc. And alerting me of any misbehavior on any part of the system. I have been using docker for deploying both monoliths and microservices solutions, manually with compose, with swarm on a set of hosts or in AWS.
8 years experience
As a GIS specialist I have worked extensively with PostgreSQL (because of its spatial extension PostGIS). I have been involved in tweakin...
As a GIS specialist I have worked extensively with PostgreSQL (because of its spatial extension PostGIS). I have been involved in tweaking server parameters for optimization, analyzing queries execution plan and developing complex analysis processes in pl/pgsql. On a higher level, I have a deep knowledge of JPA and the nuances of the different approaches to represent the data relations, just as of the JPQL language itself.
8 years experience
I am in love with ReactJS. I have done frontend work since a long time and I have gone through a lot: applets, ajax queries submiting a h...
I am in love with ReactJS. I have done frontend work since a long time and I have gone through a lot: applets, ajax queries submiting a hidden form, Google Web Toolkit, jQuery and some "I'll never use a framework again". And finally ReactJS, which allows to reuse components in a very easy way. I try to run away from the Javascript "framework speed dating" culture and I try to stick to the technologies I use and keep my developments as close as possible to the base of Javascript, HTML and CSS, which I know well.
10 years experience
6 years experience


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Data Analyst | Full-stack Developer | GIS Developer
Automated the process chain to transform remote sensing data in vector formats for agriculture machinery, thus saving many hours of manua...
Automated the process chain to transform remote sensing data in vector formats for agriculture machinery, thus saving many hours of manual processing. Completed on behalf of the Polish startup, Satagro. Explored the possibilities of adding holes in the Leaflet polygon edition tool. Developed a web application for the Swiss Association for the Promotion of Swiss Bench Culture (Bankgeheimnisse.ch/map). It documented benches in Switzerland which has now around 12,000 benches and 600 users. Implemented, for the above project, the services as a REST API. deployed the application in AWS, and implemented monitoring with Grafana. Developed a real-time map of public transport speed in Pays de Gex/Geneva showing the current status, past data, and prediction of the next 24 hours. It's no longer online. Created a data-gathering service consuming the Geneva public transport company APIs 24/7. Extracted public transport service routes and stops from OpenStreetMap. Performed a data analysis and modeling of the public transport data with R. Implemented a web page showing the status of the line and 24 hours worth of predictions.
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Geospatial Technology
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Geospatial Software Engineer
Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations
Developed a web application to publish different countries' national forest data. Built process chains to prepare the forest data (raste...
Developed a web application to publish different countries' national forest data. Built process chains to prepare the forest data (raster and vector), resulting in a semi-automatic publication of the data. Deployed the application in Argentina, Paraguay, and Ecuador in collaboration with local technicians. Developed PL/pgSQL scripts in order to compute the total surfaces of the different forest classification classes.
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Geospatial Technology
Travis CI
Remote Sensing
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Full-stack Developer | GIS Developer
Developed an Android client for Ikimap (a map repository where users can vote and comment maps). Contributed to the gvSIG Android versio...
Developed an Android client for Ikimap (a map repository where users can vote and comment maps). Contributed to the gvSIG Android version to allow new user interactions with the map control and to improve drawing speed of big vector layers, making it possible to base the development of the Ikimap's Android client on it. Built a web tool to plan geotechnical surveys (http://five.es/geoweb/). Constructed a GIS data repository to be used as a source for reproducible experiments for the Mediterranean Center for Marine and Environmental Research (CMIMA). Migrated different types of data sources to NetCDF format and loaded as NetCDF in the CMIMA repository. Wrote an algorithm to calculate the radiation and visibility in 3D urban environments. Developed a geoprocessing specific language allowing users to create complex chains to processing spatial information, regardless of the data storage (database, file, web service) or format (shapefile, GML, PostGIS, TIFF, JPEG, and so on). Built gvSIG extensions to analyze radar data, support land surveying processes, cadastral management, and so on. Developed a tool to implement image quality control for the National Plan for Aerial Orthophotography in Extremadura, Spain.
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Google Web Toolkit
Eclipse xtext
Java advanced imaging
Java servlet api
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Geotechnical Surveys Planning SystemView Project
Valencian Institute for Construction
Web tool to plan geotechnical surveys.
Web tool to plan geotechnical surveys.
Google Web Toolkit
Google Web Toolkit
Music JargonView Project
Own initiative
A text-based music notation that generates MIDI. It is useful to quickly draft ideas and share them.
A text-based music notation that generates MIDI. It is useful to quickly draft ideas and share them.
Music theory
Music theory