I love solving problems! Whether it's about programming, logic games, or anything I have to put my mind to solve, I love it. And I'm stubborn when it comes to solving them, I can't stop until I figure out a solution. I love challenges!
I'm passionate about what I do, and I love learning new stuff. I'm proactive, always trying to figure out ways to improve my work.
I'm also kinda lazy, but in a good way, 'cause I try all the time to find ways to automatize my work (hey, I even developed this resume in React so it's easier for me to update it's info! You can check out the source code in github.com/ftesone/resume)
I try to write the cleanest code I can, even taking time to figure out how to improve its readability, and trying to follow coding conventions according to the language I'm using.
I like functional programming, because of its way to approach problems and finding solutions, and it being close to mathematical theory; I like [to learn] theoretical knowledge, understand the fundamentals of things, because I think it helps you finding better solutions, but without forgetting of being pragmatic when it comes to making things work.