Hi There,
Thank for visiting!
I am a:
-Brown University Dual Creative Writing/Creative Coding MFA (full scholarship). https://www.brown.edu/academics/literary-arts/digitalcross-disciplinary-track
-Brown Visiting Scholar (2 years cross-listing into RISD's Digital + Media Department).
-Eyebeam Art + Technology Fellow (100K grant for creative code research). https://www.eyebeam.org/
-Former Member of the Providence Design Office. http://thedesignoffice.org/
-Former Member of the Gray Area Foundation for the Arts Incubator Program. https://grayarea.org/
I help you:
-learn how to code!
-develop your new media arts portfolio.
-learn https://www.processing.org, https://www.p5js.org and https://www.threejs.org
-think through what makes a good/innovative/cutting edge new media arts project.
My work:
-as a tutor, is here: creativecodetutor.com
-as an artist, is here: delta.center
I look forward to working with you!