I love sharing, teaching and learning with others.
BDD/TDD Developer and Automation engineer in multiple languages and frameworks.
I have developed several React applications that are now deployed and hosted on Google Firebase GCP. My applications are responsive to multi devices, sizes and orientations with API based data that matches the use case at hand.
Current a Javascript es6+ testing fan, writing tests in Mocha, Chai, Jasmine, Jest
Proponent of Classes, Maps, Sets, Const, Spread, Deconstruct and Arrow functions
Test Obsessed and code review champion of healthy debate.
Stack Overflow Contributor, with over 17 million people helped! - http://stackoverflow.com/users/631619/michael-durrant
You can see my tech blog at: http://durrantm.wordpress.com
Technically I like to drive my code with tests. I love to take about code.
I code for fun and joy
I am always learning myself. My current focus is React.