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C.V. ( Resume)

Published Nov 28, 2017

Stojana Novakovica 27
Beograd, Serbia
Tel: 381 11 329 4107

HIGHLIGHTS: Over thirty years of an experience in software development, testing and troubleshooting.

			Teaching seven software related courses for nine years at ICT 					college. 

			Expertise in IBM Tivoli Software Product Family. Expertise in d					discovery implementations and principles. Knowledge of IBM 						Tivoli, familiarity with DB2, Websphere, Rational and Lotus 					brands. 

			Multi-threading, wireless data transactions, data acquisition 					packages, Non-linear video editing, database applications, COM.

			Real Time Software development for control and
			Verification of  SIEMENS telecommunication 										equipment. LASER Control, resistor trimming.
			In depth knowledge of  applying communication links between
			various measurement and control equipment and CPU.									.                                                                        										
		    Object Oriented development. 	.
			Excellent communication skills.

EDUCATION: Graduated Engineer of Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Electronics - B.Sc.E.E (1985).
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.

PROFESSIONAL: ITIL Certified, 2005.

SKILLS: C++, C#, JAVA, Visual Basic .NET, VBA, DELPHI, C, PASCAL, FORTRAN, BASIC, Assemblers.
SYSTEMS: All Windows Versions, DOS, most UNIX dialects CP/M.
SYSTEMs: PC based, zSeries, pSeries, xSeries, SUN Solaris, HP,


May 2008 -. : ICT College - High School for Information and ComunicationTechnologies,Beograd
Position: Professor, Laboratory assistant
Responsibilities: Work with students on software development and testing using MS Visual Studio (languages C , .NET platform with VB.NET and C#); in Netbeans,environment ( Java programming language). Work with students on MS Office applications usage- MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access. Thought usage of Photoshop, Flash Proffesional and C++ in graphical applications.
Major duties: Thought seven courses: Visual Basic .NET, MS Access – Excel Interaction using VBA, Programming Fundamentals 1 & 2 (C language), MS Office( Excel, Word, Power Point), Multimedia Graphics (Photoshop, Flash, C++), C# Programming Language. Practical advices in implementing theoretical knowledge, emphasizing important theoretical principles, preparing and marking assignments and exams, interaction with students on daily basis.
Additional activities: 1. Developed an ASP.NET web application- an ITIL implementation
2 Testing of a Graphical C++ application that displays underwater terrain configuration ( Windows and Web versions)
3. Testing of a client-server Low Manager C++ application.
Sep 2007 – May 2008: Developed applications in .NET languages C# i Visual Basic.NET.

Nov 2003- Aug 2007. IBM Canada, Toronto Software Laboratory, Toronto
Position: Staf Software Developer, Tivoli QA , testing, POC support, demos given and recorded, customer support, pre-sales engagements, environment preparation, installation and maintenance, design advices, coding advices. identifying and fixing issues.
Responsibilities: Tivoli Provisioning Manager & Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator ( TPM/TIO) testing, demo preparation, customer interaction. Expertise in discovery technologies. Defects opening, and verification. J2EE application troubleshooting. Product Integration.
Customers worked with / demos created given: GTECH , Northrup companies, Collation ( Tivoli TADDM/CCMDB) demo prepared / given January 2006, ATT (Feb 2006), Wells Fargo (Feb 2006), Bank of America (BoA) demos given several times during 2006, ENEL ( Italy) and UPS.
Some of the products very familiar with: TPM/TIO, WebSphere Application Server V5 and V6, DB2, Tivoli Netview, Tivoli Common Agent, Tivoli Configuration Change and Management Database Discovery (CCMDB, TADDM, former Collation),Tivoli Configuration Management (TCM ), Tivoli Security Compliance Manager (SCM), DB2 V8, Oracle DB, VM Ware Workstation, Rational XDE Tester, ClearQuest, Tivoli Directory Service, WebSphere MQ.
Major duties: Test executions, Creating test plans, product and customer support.
Discoveries ( agent/agent-less) using TPM/TIO, SSH, SMB, Tivoli Common Agent, Tivoli TADDM, WebSphere discovery.
Debugging Websphere Application server issues, JSPs, JAVA parameters adjustments and security issues, Websphere nodes, instances and manager manipulation, Familiar with Standalone WebSphere application server and Distributed WebSphere Application server implementation, architecture, performance and clustering issues.
OS management ( Rembo), product integration, multithreading,
Performance Issues, SOA, Web concepts, solutions, ITIL implementation.

Jun 02 – Oct 03 Pirilotor Inc, Toronto, Ontario
Position Senior Software Developer
Responsibilities: Develop, test and maintain program for employees check in/out in MSAccess97 and evaluation and SQL report generation.
Major Project: Software for tracking employees' time and salaries.

Apr 00- Jun 01 724 Solutions Inc., Toronto, Ontario
Position: Senior Product Support Specialist,
Responsibilities: Provide product support for complex, distributed financial software system for communication and transactions using wireless devices . Technologies, languages, protocols: C++, Java, CORBA, XML, XSL, HTML, FTP, HDML, WML, OFX, MS SQL Server 7.0, Oracle. Operating systems: Windows NT and Unix.
Customer interaction, production issues.
Major Projects: HDML & WML projects development. Maintaining, testing, and improving Java and C++ code base. Responsible for severity 1 & 2 defects in production environments. Tools: Rational ClearQuest, ClearCase, PVCS tracker, phone & palm emulators, PC Duo, Inprise AppCenter, Exceed.

Apr 99- Apr 00 Appian Research, Toronto, Ontario
Position: Software Developer,
Responsibilities: developed COM layer as specialized data base wrapper in Visual C++, ATL, STL, OLE DB technology, OO software design and development, UML, Rational Rose,
Major projects: 1) COM library to be a core engine for WWW data manipulation, JScript, MS Access, SQL, Multi-threading.

Apr 97- April 99 Roadware Corporation, Paris, Ontario
Position: Software Developer, Electrical Engineer
Responsibilities: Real time data acquisitions, Non-linear video editing, ODBC database viewer software packages, OO software design and development, digital image recognition.
Major projects: Software packages developed:

  1. Multi-threading, data acquisition application that capture real time digital video in a special equipped survey vehicles.
  2. Non-linear Workstation software package with communication between computers and equipment over serial ports, thread synchronization, JPEG compression, DPS Perception Board control and master tape creation.
  3. Specialized ODBC database viewer with Map, Chart and Video capabilities.
    All applications developed in Visual C++ with MFC and STL targeting Windows NT. Additional technologies: SQL, Paradox, MS Access and Delphi 5.0

Nov. 96- Mar. 97 Phantech Software, Toronto, Ontario
Position: Software Developer
Responsibilities: C++, MFC, OCX, OO development of a personal management database application.
Major duties: Object Oriented Software development in MS Visual C++
using MFC (serialization, CTreeCtrl, Drag & Drop, various graphic formats, CRichEditCtrl, Windows Sockets) and Jet database engine targeting Windows95.

Sep. 95- Nov. 96 InContext Corporation, Toronto, Ontario
Position: Junior Software Developer
Responsibilities: C++, MFC, SGML, HTML, Internet HTTP protocol, Lex Scanner, SSL, OLE servers and containers, OCXs, Delphi,
Visual Basic, MS Test Basic.
Major duties: Automation of software testing with MS Test Basic.
Object Oriented Software development of OLE enabled WWW CSS Style Sheet editor in MS Visual C++ using MFC targeting Windows95, OLE controls development and testing using Delphi 2.0, C++ and Visual Basic.
Apr.95 - Sep 95. C++ and Delphi 1.0 Object Oriented development.

Dec. 88 - Apr. 95 SIEMENS, Genex & VF joint-venture Factory of High Frequency Devices, Beograd.
Position: Senior Software Developer
Responsibilities: Design of hardware interfaces and software development for controlling TERADYNE W311 Laser Trim System . Software development for control and verification of SIEMENS Telecommunication equipment ( analog, digital, PCM, FDM,...).
Software for communications with programmable instruments over GPIB(IEEE488) Bus.
Software packages for acquisitions of telephone calls.
CAD administration, designing and simulation.
Major duties: Development, design and control of real time applications
Development of applications, control of relay matrices,
A/D& D/A, converters, comparators, I/O ports,
motion control, step motors...
Programming in Assembler for Motorola 6800 processor.
CAD designing , administration and simulation with Hilo3
simulator on HP Series 9000/300 computer under UNIX .

June. 88 - Dec. 88 Technical Institute, Zemun
Position: Software Developer QA Department
Responsibilities: Designing low-level link software between CP/M based computer and Boroughs ET 2000 station under DOS.
Major project: Software development in PASCAL and Assembler to implement MULTIPOINT Communication Protocol.

Sept. 87 - June 88 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Beograd
Position: Software Developer
Responsibilities: Software for Spatial transformation and determining the visibility of Axial-Symmetrical body. Computer graphics application.
Major project: Software development in FORTRAN under VMS on VAX. Application of these programs in graphics and holography.

Sept. 85 - June 86 Institute for Computer Science of the Nuclear Institute of Vinca, Beograd
Position: Junior Software Developer
Responsibilities: User’s Software interface for controlling instrumentation software development with 80/86 processor emulation.
Main project: Software in PASCAL and Macro Assembler under CP/M
for the INTEL 80/86 microprocessor.

EQUIPMENT: available upon request.

PUBLISHED ARTICLES: User Communication With Laboratory Instruments in the LARS86 Computer - ETAN Conference, Sarajevo, 1986.
Spatial Transformation and Determining Visibility of Axial - Symmetrical Body- ETAN Conference, Novi Sad, 1988.

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Serbian (mother), English (second language).

XML/XSLT, May 2001
TIO/TPM , 2004
Advanced Rational XDE Tester, 2004
Introduction to Networking, 2004
Application Development V5 for J2EE Developers (self-paced virtual class), 31 Dec 2004
Enterprise Java Design and Development Using JDBC, SQL, XML, XSL, UML and JMS, 2005
Presentation Skills, 25 Jun 2005
WebSphere Presentation, 23 Sep 2005
IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Foundation Certificate Training, 29 Jun 2005
IBM Introduction to Testing Phases, 13 May 2005
IBM Fundamentals of Analysis and Modeling for Test, 24 Jun 2005
IBM Fundamentals of Test Design, 04 Jul 2005
Developing an On demand presentation for your client
Effective Presentations: The Presentation Process English
Think On Your FEET, 24 Sep 2005
Advanced Administration-WebSphere Application Server v5 (Multiplatform course), 24 Oct 2005
Advanced Presentation Skills, 30 Oct 2006
DB2 UDB v8.2/WebSphere V6 Performance Tuning and Operations, March 22-24 2006

DEMOS RECORDED: Available upon request.

REFERENCES: Available upon request.

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