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What is ‘Dependency Hell’?. In the world of software development… | by Devsena Mishra | Medium

Published Aug 01, 2024
What is ‘Dependency Hell’?. In the world of software development… | by Devsena Mishra | Medium

In the world of software development, sometimes we move into a situation called dependency hell. The bigger your system grows and the more dependencies you integrate into your software, the more likely you are to find yourself in this hell.

With an application that has many dependencies, releasing new package versions can quickly become challenging, as changing one dependency may have a cascading effect.

So, in simple words, Dependency hell is a situation in software development where a project has a large number of dependencies, and managing these dependencies becomes difficult and error-prone.

In this situation, it can be challenging to keep track of which versions of the dependencies are being used, and conflicts can arise when different dependencies require incompatible versions of the same library. It can also occur when different libraries or components have conflicting dependencies on the same external library, causing conflicts and incompatibilities. This can lead to difficult-to-diagnose errors, crashes, and other unexpected behaviour.

Dependency hell can be particularly challenging in large, complex projects with many developers, where it can be difficult to keep track of changes and ensure that all developers are using compatible versions of libraries and dependencies.

So, what’s the solution?

There are certain best practices which can help to avoid this dependency hell. Watch the complete video to know more…

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