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Java — Secure Code Guidelines - Devsena Mishra - Medium

Published Aug 21, 2024
Java — Secure Code Guidelines - Devsena Mishra - MediumJava — Secure Code Guidelines - Devsena Mishra - Medium

Secure coding is a broad topic and beyond the scope of one presentation but in a more general way, we can say it is the practice of developing APIs in such a way that it guards against the accidental introduction of security vulnerabilities.

What is Secure Code?

The Code that is considered secure is a code that follows best practices and industry standards for protecting against potential security vulnerabilities.

To a certain extent, it depends on the choice of language too. And Java, as we all know, by design is considered one of the most secure Languages of our time. But still, there are some general guidelines or we can say best practices to follow while writing code, about which every developer must be aware:
Java - Secure Code Guidelines

Devsena Mishra
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