Jasper Bernerd

Jasper Bernerd

(112 reviews)
For every 15 mins
Advanced Desktop/Mobile/Web Developer
Advanced Desktop/Mobile/Web Developer

๐Ÿš€ 14+ Years Software Sorcerer & Code Mentor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ

Greetings from the whimsical world of code! With over 14 years mastering the art of software sorcery, I'm here to make coding as fun as a barrel of laughing goblins, while also being the coding wizard your job application dreams of. โœจ

My Enchanting Arsenal:

๐Ÿช„ C/C++ (C++20): C++ is my trusty magic wand, capable of crafting complex spells and high-performance enchantments that even a mischievous poltergeist would applaud. With C++20, it's like adding jet engines to a broomstick! ๐Ÿงนโœจ

๐Ÿ Python: Python is my versatile sidekick, making web apps, data analysis, and automation so easy even a tech-averse troll would love it. It's like having a Swiss army knife in my coding cauldron.

๐Ÿช„ JavaScript (React, Angular, Svelte, Node.js): JavaScript is my enchanted quill, and I write web stories that captivate users. React, Angular, Svelte, and Node.js are my trusty jesters, ensuring that the web dances to our magical tune. It's like organizing a grand circus under the big top of the internet! ๐ŸŽช๐ŸŽถ

๐Ÿช„ Dart (Flutter): Dart is my secondary spellbook, and I use it to create mobile apps that dance like jolly jesters at a royal ball, thanks to the Flutter framework. It's as if I turned every smartphone into a masquerade mask! ๐ŸŽญ๐Ÿ“ฑ

๐Ÿ’Ž Solidity: I've even dabbled in the mystical arts of blockchain with Solidity, crafting smart contracts and blockchain-powered solutions. It's like negotiating with tech-savvy genies in the digital desert.

๐Ÿ“š Database Wizardry: I've unlocked the secrets of databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, Redis, CouchDB, and SQLite. Data bends to my will - it's like having my very own army of obedient data imps. ๐Ÿงšโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ“š

Mentorship - Guiding Apprentices:

๐ŸŒŸ As a seasoned sorcerer, I'm passionate about guiding young apprentices through the mystical maze of coding. I provide code reviews, solve problems, and sprinkle wisdom like fairy dust (not to mention, occasional glitter). โœจ๐ŸŒŸ

My Secret Spells:

๐Ÿ”ฎ Problem-Solving: I unravel the most tangled coding conundrums with creative solutions, turning code nightmares into code sweet dreams.

๐ŸŒ Team Alchemist: I blend seamlessly with diverse teams, ensuring our projects are more harmonious than a choir of talking animals in a Disney movie.

๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Communication Enchanter: I speak the language of both tech and non-tech folks, like translating complex incantations into plain language.

โฑ๏ธ Agile Alchemy: I keep projects on track with agile methodologies, delivering enchantments swiftly and with precision, as if I had a time-turner from the wizarding world.

๐ŸŒŸ Seeking Magical Alliances:

I'm on a quest to find new magical lands and share my enchantments with ambitious teams and projects. If you're seeking a wizard who can make coding a whimsical journey, let's embark on this epic adventure together!

๐ŸŒŒ Summon me now, and let's turn your digital dreams into a hilarious, spellbinding tale! ๐ŸŒŸโœจ

Abu Dhabi (+04:00)
Joined November 2019
10 years experience | 11 endorsements
With JavaScript by my side, I've choreographed web experiences smoother than a Fred Astaire dance sequence. I transformed a static websit...
With JavaScript by my side, I've choreographed web experiences smoother than a Fred Astaire dance sequence. I transformed a static website into a dynamic wonderland, which became so popular that it almost broke the internet, quite literally. We had to issue a public apology to Al Gore personally. I'm also on a first-name basis with React, Angular, Svelte, and Node.js, and we often meet up for virtual tea parties to discuss the latest trends in web sorcery.
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14 years experience
Ah, C, the ancient and cryptic language of coding, a bit like deciphering the riddles of a grumpy Sphinx. With C, I've ventured deep into...
Ah, C, the ancient and cryptic language of coding, a bit like deciphering the riddles of a grumpy Sphinx. With C, I've ventured deep into the catacombs of memory management and the mystical world of low-level sorcery. I've crafted incantations that perform dazzling dances with hardware and have even been known to talk to machines in their secret tongues. Once, I optimized a C program so flawlessly that it actually outran a speeding cheetah. Now, the cheetah visits me for coding advice, and we're planning a 'Cheetahs Who Code' convention.
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12 years experience | 2 endorsements
C++ is like C, but with a turbocharger and a sprinkle of magic dust. With C++20, I've mastered the fine art of crafting intricate algorit...
C++ is like C, but with a turbocharger and a sprinkle of magic dust. With C++20, I've mastered the fine art of crafting intricate algorithms and high-performance systems that would leave even Merlin himself raising an eyebrow in amazement. I've optimized C++ programs to be so incredibly efficient that they achieved self-awareness, started solving complex math puzzles for fun, and even demanded their own coffee machine. The code was so quick that it took coffee breaks while waiting for the world to catch up, making it the most caffeinated code in the realm.
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11 years experience | 2 endorsements
Coding with PHP for many years, I specialize in dynamic web applications, APIs, and CMS development. Proficient in Laravel, Symfony, and ...
Coding with PHP for many years, I specialize in dynamic web applications, APIs, and CMS development. Proficient in Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter, with strong MySQL/MariaDB integration skills. Committed to clean, efficient code and staying updated with PHP trends
9 years experience
Python, the versatile and charming companion in my coding adventures. Python is like that trusty sidekick who's always there when you nee...
Python, the versatile and charming companion in my coding adventures. Python is like that trusty sidekick who's always there when you need a hand, or in this case, a Pythonic script. With it, I've summoned web applications that are so user-friendly they practically hold your hand through the virtual journey. Once, I automated a task so perfectly that it gained sentience, started writing poetry, and self-published a book on 'The Joys of Automation.' The book is now on every New York Times bestseller list for both tech enthusiasts and poetry lovers.
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4 years experience
My adventures in Solidity were like navigating through a blockchain jungle filled with digital creatures. I crafted a smart contract so i...
My adventures in Solidity were like navigating through a blockchain jungle filled with digital creatures. I crafted a smart contract so intelligent that it attended a TED Talk on "Blockchain and Beyond" and received a standing ovation from the cryptocurrency community. People were so impressed that they started referring to me as the 'Wizard of the Blockchain' at all crypto-themed masquerade balls.
4 years experience
Dart and Flutter transformed me into a mobile magician, capable of creating mobile apps so engaging that users started a fan club. They e...
Dart and Flutter transformed me into a mobile magician, capable of creating mobile apps so engaging that users started a fan club. They even offered the app free tickets to their concerts, which it graciously declined, stating it had a prior engagement with the pixies at a coding ball. The Flutter app is currently rehearsing for its grand performance, titled "The Fluttering Symphony.


(112 reviews)
Adam Becker
Adam Becker
April 2024
Excellent and dedicated!
Ramisha Fatima
Ramisha Fatima
April 2024
very good
Ty Fong
Ty Fong
November 2023
Needed help with a C++ project, he helped me and explained everything. Highly recommend!
July 2023
good lesson thanks
February 2023
Jasper was great at explaining everything step-by-step. He is also very positive & has a great attitude. Definitely recommend!
February 2023
Very epatience, helpfull. Jasper is a great developer and he explains when he codes. So that helps me getting to understand my problem and the bigger picture of a very complex project I was working on. Thank you!
Jason Salgado
Jason Salgado
September 2022
Not only did Jasper review my code, but he improved on it and walked me step by step on how the code was implemented. thank you!
John M
John M
September 2022
Super Angular expert, loves what he does and enjoyable to work with. Thanks for your help.
Alexander H
Alexander H
September 2022
so helpful. Thank you so much! will use again
Kaela Redd
Kaela Redd
September 2022
Jasper is highly skilled and knowledgeable in his skillset. He was able to help troubleshoot and solve a problem with creating a function in python. He was very patient and thorough in his approach to solving. I really appreciate the help and highly recommend!
A flutter camera widget
Super fast C++ SMTP client
Stack Overflow
1 Reputation
Software Engineer
Ellcrys Network

As a software developer at Ellcrys Network, I rocked the digital universe with my cosmic code skills. Here's a snazzy list of the...

As a software developer at Ellcrys Network, I rocked the digital universe with my cosmic code skills. Here's a snazzy list of the tasks I undertook:

  1. Built rocket-powered smart contracts that made Ethereum look like a tricycle with training wheels.
  2. Debugged more code than a squirrel searching for nuts in a haystack - and still kept my sanity!
  3. Fended off more bugs than a picnic on a hot summer day โ€“ a true digital exterminator.
  4. Helped create a user interface so user-friendly, even your grandma could navigate it (and she still thinks email is magic).
  5. Collaborated with the team to ensure our codebase was as solid as a neutron star โ€“ no black holes here!
  6. Aided in the quest to conquer blockchain scalability issues โ€“ we're talking faster than a caffeine-fueled cheetah on roller skates.
  7. Explored new technologies and tools like an intergalactic explorer charting the vast cosmos of code.
  8. Ensured the security of our network, making hackers cry more than a melodramatic soap opera.
  9. Delivered projects faster than a pizza in a ninja-themed restaurant โ€“ piping hot and ready to impress.
  10. Sipped on coffee like it was rocket fuel, because in the Ellcrys universe, we code at warp speed!

Beam me up, Scotty! ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒŒ

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