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Why choose custom theme for WordPress Website.

Published Jun 08, 2020Last updated Jun 09, 2020
Why choose custom theme for WordPress Website.

Many clients asked me why they should choose to get a custom WordPress theme over a free or premium theme. As WordPress powering more than 25% of all sites on the Internet, it surely has a wide range of users. It sort of developed the perception that any website can be built in WordPress in a quick time and this perception lead client to lead to pay more by not opting for the correct option to develop the website.

Yes, WordPress is an open-source web development platform and you will get many free as well as paid theme to develop your website but some factor needs to verify before opting to this widely chosen option as per your business needs and plans for future.

This post speaks to some of the issues you’re likely to encounter as you scour the paid or free themes. It guides subjects like:

=> Decide the budget for a custom WordPress theme with custom design or reference links which you like to make your website.
=> Benefits of core 3 most import points as support & Updates & Experience for choosing a custom theme.
=> How to gauge the quality of a WordPress theme provider.

The main difference between the paid theme and custom theme are:

  • Premium themes: This theme normally can be purchase in a range of 50-90 dollar and these themes gives better stability and demos to import on your website to you just need to place your content.
    ThemeForest and Colorlib are examples of sites where theme developers upload their themes for reselling with all the documentation.
  • Custom themes: This theme can only be created after creating a wireframe or PSD design so WordPress theme developer develops the theme as per your custom requirements.

Now, let check the pros and cons of the Premium theme:

  1. Paid themes are well built without any bugs and well documented so any user can install and set up the required demos.
  2. Many paid themes developer opt for the page builder like Elementor or WP Bakery to maintain backend to set up the content of the website which help users to maintain the site easily without doing any form of coding.
  3. Paid themes have design lots of demo sections so you don't need to create any visual PSD design files which lower the cost of your website and save development time.
  4. Premium theme support.


  1. All premium themes are made with a larger scale to cover lots of business and they created demo but as these codes become bloat which makes your website performance low.
  2. If you want specific functionality then you need to go for theme customization and this extra functionality in paid theme cost per hour will be high.
  3. You will be limited in design and functionality in a premium theme.
  4. Theme and WordPress updates can be a hassle for your production site.

The pros and cons of the Custom theme:

  1. It's the best option when you can’t find a theme that suits your vision, goals, requirements, and content.
  2. You can add any custom functionality as per your requirement and have the upper hand to improve the performance with quality-assured code.
  3. Your site design will be unique as you approach with the custom design so your business website will stand alone in this competitive market.
  4. Low cost after site live as this custom theme can be obtainable to adopt any new functionality or requirements.


  1. The high cost compares to the paid theme option.
  2. Opt to approach the graphics designer to make the design of your website.

On conclusion, I can say that I never ourselves recommend my client to go with a premium theme-based site for their client. However, about 20% of the sites we build are based on premium themes, so there are cases when marketing agencies and their clients decide that it’s the best way to go and find themselves, in the end, they are giving more cost time to time to operate their websites.

To sum up, the comparisons here are the highlights:

  • Premium themes:
  1. Go if you have only a 5-10 pages basic static website.
  2. Go if you have a very low budget and no plan to update the website in the future.
  3. Go if you don't want a specific design and special functionality.
  4. Go if you found the theme is suitable in every way.
  • Custom themes:
  1. Go if you want unique design and functionality as you want.
  2. Go if you want a high-performance website.
  3. Go if you want to add new functionality on future
  4. Go if you want to spend less on future development.

On the bottom note, I would highlight recommend to opt custom theme development as this option gives you benefits to developing the website as you want.

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