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Realtime (one to one) Chat App with Vuejs and Laravel

Published Sep 02, 2019
Realtime (one to one) Chat App with Vuejs and Laravel

This post has been published first on DevGrill.


This is a 3 part series that shows how to build a real-world chat application with one on one chat feature like facebook or twitter using Laravel and Vuejs, also demystify the complexity of the inner works. Our goal is to step by step break down the process into a smaller bit and furthermore expand on the relationship between the application layers and how they talk to one and other.


  • PHP 7+
  • NodeJs
  • Npm or Yarn
  • Redis
  • Msql or Psql

First, we will start by scoping our project and showing a detailed diagram of the application.


Scoping your project before coding to see the full picture is a great first step to take when building an application, this allow our to see and understand every moving part and plan accordingly.

Running the app

Clone the GitHub repo and run the following commands on separate terminals.


composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan server


yarn or npm install
yarn watch or npm run watch


yarn node:server or npm run node:server

Now that we have a details understanding of what we are building let’s get right into In the next chapter, where would set up our Vuejs applications and it requires dependencies

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