I have extensive knowledge and experience in front end technologies in various settings. I've got many years of CSS, JavaScript & responsive experience working for small mom-and-pop shops to large, multi-million dollar companies.
I've built CSS for small, one page brochure sites and large, multi-million dollar corporations with thousands of pages.
I practice the...
I've built CSS for small, one page brochure sites and large, multi-million dollar corporations with thousands of pages.
I practice the SUITCSS (similar to BEM) naming convention; I have 4 years of responsive experience with @media queries.
I know the ins and outs of selectors, specificity and how to set up, construct and debug layout issues.
I have implemented code using new features like flexbox & transforms with sensible fallbacks for browsers that don't support them.
Most of my experience is with DOM manipulation, arrays and objects. When it makes sense, I try to not use any external libraries, like jQ...
Most of my experience is with DOM manipulation, arrays and objects. When it makes sense, I try to not use any external libraries, like jQuery.
A good example of what I do with plain JavaScript is a textbox character count, ala Twitter.
I have experience implementing anything from simple class manipulation to more complex data driven operations like Ajax, event delegation...
I have experience implementing anything from simple class manipulation to more complex data driven operations like Ajax, event delegation, binding and more . I've also written some very simple plugins and customized existing ones.
I use Git exclusively for my personal and professional projects. I have experienced tough situations, for example when merges go poorly a...
I use Git exclusively for my personal and professional projects. I have experienced tough situations, for example when merges go poorly and it needs work to get the commit history back in working order. I practice the accepted best practices such as keeping commit messages short, committing often, tagging and rebasing often.
I'm familiar with the basic to intermediate level of SEO; things like: alt tags on images, meta description & title, update HTML, improve...
I'm familiar with the basic to intermediate level of SEO; things like: alt tags on images, meta description & title, update HTML, improve performance and adding an updated sitemap.
I also use Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics to get an understand how people are browsing a site, so I can optimize the site based on how people use it.
I work on a site that has hundreds of thousands of page views per day, so performance is extremely important to me. I frequently assess a...
I work on a site that has hundreds of thousands of page views per day, so performance is extremely important to me. I frequently assess and improve performance by: compressing images, combining & minifying CSS and JS, lazy loading images, lazy loading fonts, taking advantage of cache and reducing CSS paint.
I've started to build icon sets with SVG and I've implemented them in lots of different ways including: inline, as background images and ...
I've started to build icon sets with SVG and I've implemented them in lots of different ways including: inline, as background images and as sprites. I've done tons of research into the pros and cons of each method and have written a blog post with my findings.