Database Modeling with Ecto: Part 1 - CRUD operations
Note: original can be found here
Creating your first records
- Relational modelling in Ecto
- Ecto Schema Fundamentals
Relational modelling in Ecto
You've heard of elixir and are just getting started with your first taste of the kool-aid.
If you're new to Elixir, you're probably finding ecto to be a bit of a culture shock.
Ecto is an immensly powerful library for working with sql but Unlike other ORMs you may have used, Ecto embraces what makes sql great.
ORMs like active record or django's python objects try to hide sql behind their language specifc interfaces.
SQL Land however, does not deal with objects.
Ecto takes SQL as it is an gives you very powerful tools for modeling yoru application's database layer without building abstractions that ultimatly hinder you later on with slow queries and magic behavior that gets in your way.
Of course, this means you need to know how to think in sql and the relational model.
Thinking in Relationships
I'll spare you the theoratical gibber jabber about industry jargon like "third normal form" and "denormalization".
Frankly, a lot of books on sql modeling get high on the theoretical horse to cover every single possible edge case imaginable.
As somone who learned sql on the job, I've distilled it down to a a few rules of thumb with the occasional exception.
The secret to thinking in sql is right here in the word "relational." Almost all relations you will model fit one of three catagroies.
- A
has many
B - B
belongs to
A - A
has many
C and Bhas many
C - A
has many
C (if B alsohas_many
C, we might call this amany to many
Any nontrivial database schema is goign to have all of these relationships modeled in one way or another.
To make this all a bit more relatable, lets plan a schema for a school grade tracker.
This could very well be the heart of a system that helps etachers quickly grade their students and send out report cards.
Cosnider the following relationships.
- A
has oneTeacher
:belongs to
- A
attends manyClass
:has many
- A
has manyStudent
:has many
- A
has manyStudent
and only oneTeacher
:many to many
Right here we have a few relationships mapped out.
Given the following the information, we can also infer some secondary effect
- a
has manyTeacher
- a
has manyStudent
We still havent gotten to grades! But where to store it?
Thinking about grades, I would model it as an operation over a group of Assignment
It makes sense to think about it in terms of the Enrollment
of the students.
With that we can add a few more relationships and associated constrants
- An
to establish amany to many
relationship - An
has many
Now that we have a birds eye map of the schema we want to build and model, we can start to hash out the details in code!
Ecto Schema Fundamentals
First, install the phoenix generator and run the following to create your project.
mix --binary-id --database postgres grade_tracker
Every record in yoru database needs a primary key
This is a column thatserves as a unique key for a particular record in a table.
By default, phoenix sets up autoincrementing integers as the primary keys.
Setting the --binary-id
flag ensures we'll be generating uuid primary keys
You are more than welcome to use the default autoincrement integers instead.
They are faster and arguably easier to index.
However, uuids are harder to blindly guess and will be useful if later you decide to spread your data out to multiple systems.
We need a teachers table and schema so lets fire up the generator
$ mix phx.gen.schema Teacher teachers name:string
* creating lib/grade_tracker/teacher.ex
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20210414205427_create_teachers.exs
This generates a migration that creates out teachers
table and a schema file.
# priv/repo/migrations/20210414205427_create_teachers.exs
defmodule GradeTracker.Repo.Migrations.CreateTeachers do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:teachers, primary_key: false) do
add :id, :binary_id, primary_key: true
add :name, :string
By default, we get 4 colums created. id
is set as the primary key, and name
completes the list of ones we created.
adds inserted_at
and updated_at
The schema that was generated is the interface for how we will interact with this table
defmodule GradeTracker.Teacher do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
schema "teachers" do
field :name, :string
@doc false
def changeset(teacher, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:name]) # pulls the name attribute into the changeset
|> validate_required([:name]) # validates that a name attribute exists either on the teacher or the attrs
Instead of objects, Elixir gives us structs.
The distinction is that there are no instance methods or mutable state.
It represents the state of the record as it was retrieved from the backend.
A struct is a datastructure similar to Map with a difference that the keys are defined up front.
In this module, use Ecto.Schema
meanst that the Teacher
module inherits the behavior of the an Ecto Schema.
It does this through a macro system which is beyond the cope of this article but worth deliving into.
As you can see, there is one function defined.
The changeset/2
function takes a schema struct and a set of params.
It returns an Ecto.Changeset record that carries with it information pertaining to a database change oepration.
Ecto expects that you may have different operations with different validation rules depending on the context of the operation and its perfectly fine to have different functions for generating different types of changesets.
For a complete list of built in validations, checkout the docs for Ecto.Changeset
Inserting records
Database Operations are done via Repo
aliased from GradeTracker.Repo
. Its a microservice that you pass data to and get back the result of your operations.
To insert a record, we create a Teacher
Since we are creating a new one, we can pass in a new Teacher struct alogn with some paramaters.
Lets test out our new teacher schema. Create a file test/schemas/teacher_test.exs
defmodule GradeTracker.TeacherSchemaTest do
use GradeTracker.DataCase
alias GradeTracker.Repo
alias GradeTracker.Teacher
test "we can insert a teacher", _ do
assert {:ok, %Teacher{ id: _id, name: "Jose Valim" } = _teacher} = %Teacher{}
|> Teacher.changeset(%{
name: "Jose Valim"
|> Repo.insert()
Upon a successsful insertion, the insert operation, returns {:ok, *struct* }
The struct returned represents the state of that record in the database.
Not only does it have a name attribute, it also has an id which was generated during the insertion.
now lets run this test!
$ mix test
Finished in 0.1 seconds
4 tests, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 80769
For completeness sake, lets verify that an error gets returned if we leave off the :name
If Repo.insert/1
errors, we get back an error tuple giving us a changeset with the errors embedded within.
defmodule GradeTracker.TeacherSchemaTest do
test "inserting a teacher errors without a name", _ do
assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{
errors: [name: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}],
valid?: false
} = _changeset} = %Teacher{}
|> Teacher.changeset(%{})
|> Repo.insert()
Updating records
accepts a changeset and operates similarly to Repo.insert/1
with the exception that a primary key must exist on the struct passed into the chanegset creation.
If you try to update a record without a primary key, you will raise an exception rather than get an error tuple.
defmodule GradeTracker.TeacherSchemaTest do
test "updating a teacher errors without an id", _ do
assert_raise Ecto.NoPrimaryKeyValueError, fn ->
|> Teacher.changeset(%{ name: "Dave Thomas" })
|> Repo.update()
Deleting a record
accepts a struct and deletes it. You'll get back {:ok, teacher}
that returns the deleted record
test "deleting a teacher", _ do
assert {:ok, teacher} = %Teacher{}
|> Teacher.changeset(%{
name: "Jose Valim"
|> Repo.insert()
assert {:ok, teacher} = teacher
|> Repo.delete()
And with that, you can now create, update and delete a single record. In my followup, I'll cover how to setup relations and transactions