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Why use page builders?

Published Oct 01, 2018
Why use page builders?

Why use a page builder?
The answer is simple,
Without a page builder your developer is limited to simply adding text and images to your site content through the default Word Press editor. In other words, only simple basic pages can be built by a developer for your website.
Page builders allows your developer to start creating advanced layouts of multiple columns and rows. He can then add a wide range of content to those layouts, as well as customize their appearance in almost any way.
Without a page builder your site will be pretty boring and straight forward.

One of the main features of a website should be to attract and hold the attention of a customer when he first get to your site. You want him to go and have look around the site, which in turn could generate more income since he might see something he is interested in. a Potential customer must also find it enjoyable and fun to browse around your site. a Simple basic and boring site will never affect a potential customer like this. He will just yawn and move on to the next site.

My suggestion is to always insist that a developer use a top of the range page builder when he create your site. This will ensure that your site is fast, unique, animated, beautiful and only limited by your imagination.
In addition, your site might be fine for now but if you perhaps want to implement a new feature or do some changes later on, it might then not be possible apart from rebuilding the complete site with a page builder. This might end up costing you a lot more that getting it done from scratch with a page builder.

The price for developing a new basic and standard site should not be very different to do the developing with a page builder depending on what you ask the developer to do. Any special animation or features that is not possible without the page builder will cost extra which is fair since the work that needs to be done is then a lot more that building a straight forward word press site.

Hope the above give some insight into getting the job done right the first time.

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