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Do you have a programming ritual?

Published Aug 02, 2017Last updated Jan 28, 2018
Do you have a programming ritual?

Before we begin, yes, there is a difference between a routine and a ritual. A routine is something you do every day at specific times; whereas a ritual is something you do (at different times) when you are about to accomplish a certain task.

With this in mind, do you have a certain set of things you do before getting started on a project? For example, maybe a cup of coffee to ease the brain? Anything that is hopefully not along the lines of ordering sacrificial lambs. πŸ˜…

Let us know in the comments below πŸ‘‡ or in your own post.

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Rajjeet Phull
5 years ago

Tracking time. Try to work for 60-90 minutes without breaking concentration. Tally up the time at the end of the day to reach 4-6 hours. Keep track over days and weeks to see patterns. Find ways to improve, always.

6 years ago

You described a good about routine and a ritual. Really I don’t know before about ritual. I was thinking that everything is in routine but you tell me about ritual. My ritual is 5mint walk and a cup of tea or try to close my eye for 5mint.

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