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25 years with “vi”

Published Jun 27, 2020
25 years with “vi”

Time flies as I realized how much time I have spent using vi.
It doesn’t feel long ago, when I first saw computers and was wondering as before I had just heard stories about computers, it was in the 90s when I first saw a computer.
In the 90s when I was in school, it was announced that school is going to have computers soon, and we need to enroll optionally if we want to learn computers.
Although there were no teachers who knew computers, it was good that we were given the freedom to learn whatever we wanted to learn.
Search through the book market and found some basic computers, Later I gained basic operating knowledge of computers to play around it.
In 1996 when I joined college, In college computers, were little advanced 80386/80486 earlier one was 80286 and had Red Hat was available in these computers along with windows 3.1, Sun Solaris, since then started using vi
After using vi, I have come across a variety of text editors including IDE for the development, some of them Turbo-C, Visual Studio, Notepad++, Sublime, Eclipse, IntelliJ each one of them have their own complexity and features.
Feature-wise there was never a time when I was using vi and got stuck to have thought on using another editor to make things easy.
vi seems to be an editor that no other editor could replace in the last 25 years for me.
Be it simple text search, replace, counting word all required feature which I could require to have as a Developer/Programmer/Manager all found in one place.
Long live vi.

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